
Topic: Taglines/Names

Clever Name For Training Program

Posted by jolene_peterson on 250 Points
My team, known as Commercial Operations, supports our sales team and is launching a new training program. We are based out of the corporate office & help the sales teams who are field based do their jobs more efficiently (write contracts, process sales, run reporting). We will train using the "You Tube" concept where each topic is a few minutes long & you'll see the training material on your screen. What is a good name for our training program keeping "Comm Ops" in the name?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    What is the company name? What industry/sector is the business? Who are the company's customers?

    Why does this training program need a name? How many videos in the series? Are they supposed to be viewed in sequence, or is each one specific to a particular topic?
  • Posted by jolene_peterson on Author
    Our company is in the healthcare sector. The customer for my team is the sales rep.

    We will post one video per month relative to the responsibilities Commercial Operations does for the field sales team. They do not need to be watched in any specific order at all.

    We'd like to name the program so that we send out a new video we can reference that Name and people will associate it to training for Commercial Operations.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Inside Comm Ops

    Comm Ops Support Tips

    Healthy Sales Support [from Comm Ops]
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Comm Ops For You
    Comm Ops Virtual Training
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    I've also worked in healthcare, as a marketing specialist in a hospice: the ultimate customer for ANY healthcare team is the patient.
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted
    Comm Ops Smooth Operators

    Speedtips / Quicktips




  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Give execs and insiders a chance to use an acronym when they discuss the training program:

    Comm Ops Rep Videos [CORV]

    Comm Ops Rep Video Series [CORVS]

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