
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For New Promotional Products Company

Posted by acpromo on 500 Points
My team and I have tossed around some ideas and they seam to be the same ol' and not quick, attention getting and stand out tag lines. We have had an advertising publication for 28 years and have recently started a new company for Promotional Materials, All Creative Promotional Plus dba AC Promotionals Plus. Our goal is to target business owners and help promote their company with quality materials and not quantity materials. We want to work closely and do the research to find them the best products for their company as a product with your name is your business card.

We also do business card, brochures, signs (large and small) literally anything we can do to promote their company as best as possible.

We are in a town of roughly 120,000 with a major college. Many of our clients want us to find them the unique outside of the box items.

We spend many hours researching and finding the best price, the best products our clients desire. Lots of hands on one on one work.

Yes we will have a website for those who don't care and just buy because of the price.

We are family owned and operated and have a small staff of 10.

We do still have the advertising publication. Both will be operated by the same team.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    Quality Materials Versus Quantity Materials.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Do you have any stories you can share about successes your clients have experienced working with you? How has quality, pricing, and outside of the box items translated into results for your clients?
    Who would likely want what you're selling - instead of going to a price/quantity provider?
  • Posted by acpromo on Author
    We have ordered signs, brochures, wedding invitations, car decal stickers, banners, business cards and they have really liked them. Been surprised in the quality. We pride ourselves in showing them the difference. We have samples of products and we express the items are basically billboards.

    We have had clients purchase less expensive items and then expressed they wish they hadn't. We of course will meet our clients budget and needs. However we are sure to explain the difference. No surprises.
  • Posted by acpromo on Author
    I like promotional products tailored to your business. It's very professional.

    Any way to put the same concept in fun catchy words?
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    AC Promotionals Plus

    "Promotionals- Professionally Personalized"

    "Professionally Personalized Promotionals"

    "Professionally Personalized Promotional Products"
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    AC Promotionals Plus
    Personalized (Solutions) For Your Business

    AC Promotionals Plus
    The Best Way To Get Noticed

    AC Promotionals Plus
    Uniquely Personalized Quality
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You asked, "Any way to put the same concept in fun catchy words?"

    Let me suggest that "fun catchy words" are usually not as effective as a meaningful benefit-oriented phrase. "Catchy" is usually a sign that the company doesn't think it has anything important to communicate, so they try to amuse or entertain with "catchy" in order to distract people.

    You offer a serious solution to an important problem -- communicating a client's positioning to prospective customers. When you get too cute or "catchy" you detract from that important objective and begin to be seen as part-comedian.

  • Posted by acpromo on Author
    Thank you so much. All the responses were very helpful.

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