
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming Help Please For New Safety Product

Posted by markp on 250 Points
We are starting to develop a name for an innovative new line of safety glasses. To make it even more challenging, for product labeling purposes, the name ideally must be less than 10 characters in length.

The target audience are (primarily) guys in North America who work in environments (indoors or out) where having eye AND hearing protection is both smart and often mandated (OSHA). A non-exhaustive list would include construction tradesmen, contractors, woodworkers, outdoor workers, landscapers, woodsplitters, heavy machinery operators, mechanics, machinists, etc. The commonality being frequent/constant need for safety glasses and occasional/irregular need for hearing protection.

The interesting market opportunity is that while most of these workers will almost always have/wear their safety glasses, they are very frequently caught* in situations where they also need hearing protection but find that they have left their earplugs in the truck, jacket, toolbox, etc. and so they far too frequently proceed without the hearing protection they know they need/want. *and if OSHA catches them this can be very costly for their employer too.

The USP is that this line of safety glasses has a set of silicone (or foam) earplugs on retractable tethers that are enclosed within the ends of the temple-arms of the glasses. So until needed they are simply a stylish pair of safety glasses while the earplugs remain clean and out of sight – then if a task requires (or OSHA inspector appears) hearing protection they can be pulled out and used – and then retracted back into their enclosures once the earplugs are no longer needed.

The big wiifm then, is that “With [memorably snappy name] safety glasses you will never be caught without your hearing protection again!”

The most visible/frequent branding oppty will be potential users seeing someone on the jobsite wearing them and then looking over to the brand label location on the temple arms and seeing the cleverly branded name of ________________?

Did we mention the name must be less than 10 characters in length to fit on the arms? (And for those really up for a challenge, have an available url!)

We started on the path of highlighting the differentiating uniqueness of protecting TWO of their senses…but so far all lack any concept of protection or shielding…

Looking forward to what your fertile marketing minds can dream up!
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  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I'm curious, are you planning to market them directly to individual construction workers, or indirectly by selling them to large construction firms? It seems to me that the benefits are different (e.g. hearing loss versus compliance) and that the messaging would be different.

    Also, I'm wondering how a worker would store the product. Would it be something that they continually war? Would it be something in the toolbox? Would they hang it on a toolbelt? It seems to me that a major benefit is that you have everything you need for OSHA compliance (other of course than a hardhat) ready and at your fingertips. (Or, could they be attached to a hardhat?)

    If I were marketing this product, I would begin by going after large construction firms are looking for larger orders, and I would explore publicizing the product through insurance companies. But then, I''ve always been more of a business-to-business guy than a business to consumer guy. good luck, and please stop back in a few months and let us know how everything works out.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Sensibles (smart protection for your eyes & ears)
    Hear Glasses (Ear Glasses is trademarked)
  • Posted by markp on Author
    Telemoxie -- good insights. Our surveys show about a 50/50 split on employers providing vs employee buying own. Definitely see oppty with insurance co backing tho moreso with larger construction co's than smaller where compliance and threat of fines seems far below protecting their senses. No reason to carry/store them any differently than they currently do with any other safety or sunglasses, maybe I miss your point. Some variations do in fact attach to hardhats.

    Thanks Jay.
    I like names highlighting the uniqueness of protecting more than one sense (i.e., DualSense) though some have argued that for safety glasses mentioning anything about vision or eye protection is obvious/unnecessary which could then free up some scarce character spaces for accentuating the hearing or dual aspects.

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
  • Posted by markp on Author
    Thanks Mike.

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