
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Children's Party And Event Business

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I'm based in northern california, I'm looking to start a kid's entertainer business featuring mermaids, fairies, etc. I can't use anything with location or person names since i eventually want to hire more people. I need something easy and unique to name my business and a possibly a short, cute message like "making fairy tales come true" or something like that.
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    Can you use the region of Northern California, or SF Bay Area, etc.?
    Are you also doing the party planning, or just bringing in the talent?
    What age kids are you targeting? Mostly girls or evenly split between boys & girls?
    What'll make your company different from your competition?
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    I think that you are smart to avoid limiting yourself to a particular region or entertainer. But if I were starting such a business, I would not want to limit myself to children's parties. Children have limited budgets. I would rather position myself as an event planning company, which leaves the door open to weddings, bar mitzvahs, adult birthday parties, reunions, corporate training, civic events, political events, and so forth.

    If I were in your situation, I would make a list of the types of vendors who typically service events and parties and so on. For example, people who rent tables and chairs and tents. party supply stores. DJs. I would try to visit a few, introduce myself, and without asking lleading questions, I would try to get a sense of which types of events generate the most revenue for their firm. Maybe they make a lot of money doing things other than children's birthday parties.

    If you meet a futuure bride, you don't want to close the door on helping to plan the wedding reception because your business card is designed for elementary school age children.

    Regarding differentiation, I believe there are many businesses in which it is appropriate, and someone it is not. Is one event planner really different than another? Maybe neither your opinion nor my opinion about this matters. Maybe the opinion that matters is the opinion of your potential customers. If they feel (as I do) that all event planning companies are basically the same, you might be better off with a simple tagline like, "event planning".

    In the long run, you will make more sales from referrals and recommendations then you will because of a cute and fancy and clever tagline. If you avoid painting yourself into a corner, you will make moore sales from repeat sales to customers than you will from acute and fancy and clever tagline, in my humble opinion. Good luck.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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