
Topic: Taglines/Names

How About These Taglines For A Real Estate Website?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are launching a real estate web site that will provide services that are not available anywhere else. These services are common sense and will have people thinking "you know, I could have used that when I bought/sold my home...". These tools allow us to focus on what we will excel at instead of trying to be all things to all people. We will provide a value-added service to buyers, sellers and real estate agents - but we are not a one-stop service.

I with-held our company name since our web site has not been launched yet and it strongly implies what we do. Sorry for any inconvenience.

Our problem - have our taglines been used already? And do they get attention? We were thinking:

1/ Think.
2/ Just Think...
3/ It's what we do.
4/ Getting Home Buyers & Sellers together under ideal conditions - Theirs.

Many thanks for all contributors. Again, sorry for the shortage on specifics.
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  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    getting attention is part of the function of a tagline but not the end all. Making it fit for the type of product or service you manifest for your customer is a little more complex but also a very important part of it's function. As a matter of fact it is just as important as creating something "eye catching".

    I'm not sure if your taglines have been used before. And do your taglines get attention is probably a question that would probably depend more on (what is your product supposed to do specifically? And what does your target customers profile look like?). There are some individuals on KHE who are more qualified to tell you what will work and why better than me. Keep your post open and wait for them to chime in. I hope this helps. Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    So, you can't tell us the services. And you can't tell us the name of the company. But you're expecting good results from us here. Yeesh!

    Does it really matter if those taglines are in use somewhere else? They probably are.

    Except for the last one, your examples are somewhat meaningless. You're company name is more important, anyway.

    How about this for a tagline: "It's a mystery."

    Shelley ;]

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