
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Required For Online Gift Box Service

Posted by kellyhandson on 250 Points
Trying to come up and with a concise and simple Tagline for my new business Hello Mama. Specialise in gift boxes for mamas and newborn babies. The branding and packaging is fun, quirky, colourful and products are slightly left field, modern and design orientated.
We are trying to step away from the somewhat tacky and old fashioned baby products.

Words that seem important are Modern Mama Box Gift Design...
But open to suggestions for a clean and fresh Tagline that appeals to 20-35 modern and stylish women?
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  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    So are these boxes that someone would order for a new and young mother (rather than having the mother order it for herself)?
    What can you share about the contents of these gifts? Does your customer pick something specific from a catalog or do they give you some general guidelines and neither your customer nor the recipient will know what it is until they open it up?
    Are the gifts functional, decorative, or simply amusing?
  • Posted by kellyhandson on Author
    Hi there, thanks for your questions.

    Our hampers are local goods that are preselected, each pack is specific for New Mum's, Pregnancy, child birth or new baby. Customers will be aware of what is in each pack, there will be a smalll number of varieties to avoid overload of choices.
    The gifts are mostly functional items such as Pregnancy Tea , Baby Massage oil, rattles, organic cotton wraps. Mostly conventional items but all the items I have sourced come from companies with modern and fresh designs/packaging.
    The idea would be that someone would order this and either send directly as a gift to a friend or relative who is a new mum/pregnant OR purchase, send to their own home and then gift directly to the person at for example their baby shower.

    Hope this provides a little more clarity! There is an instagram page hellomama_au if that helps
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Hello Mama
    Perfect Gifts for New and Expecting Mums

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