
Topic: Taglines/Names

Help Me Name My Legal Training!

Posted by yankeegal_2 on 250 Points
I am putting together a continued legal education training for landlord/tenant law. It will be a one hour training marketed to attorneys, both new and experienced. Most of the attendees probably will have very limited knowledge or no knowledge of landlord/tenant law.

I will be presenting (I represent tenants) along with a landlord's attorney.

It will cover basics of landlord/tenant law and tips on representing in an eviction case (from both landlord and tenant perspectives).

Would love some help in trying to name this training so that we attract a lot of attorneys! Thank you!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    You (and we) need to start by understanding why an attorney might want to take this course. What is the "big idea" benefit for them? Will it save them time? Increase their average billing rate? Bring them new clients? Make their lives easier? Give them added respect in their communities? Other?

    Names rarely "attract" a lot of clients. And attorneys are a tough crowd because they are trained to be cautious. (I've consulted with professional practices, including law firms and small independent lawyers.) They always want to know what's in it for them before they make a commitment.

    You would probably do well to develop your marketing plan before you get into naming. How will your target audience find you?
  • Posted by yankeegal_2 on Author
    Thanks for your comment!

    The course is being sponsored by the local bar association and women's bar association. The attorneys will receive credit for taking the course, and all attorneys are required to take a certain number of these courses to keep their status current.

    There are two "big idea" benefits depending on the attorney. For some, it is simply that it qualifies for their required credit hours and perhaps the time was convenient. For others, it is to attract new clients.

    Our target audience will find us through the marketing (email, newsletter and direct mail) done through the two bar associations sponsoring the event.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Inside Landlord/Tenant Law
    A Great Way To Find New Clients

    Eviction Law: A Two-Sided Coin
    Representing Landlords and Tenants
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Tough to add anything to mgoodman's comments.
    You could tweak this line to be closer to the topic:

    Eviction Law: From Both Sides of the Door
    Representing Landlords and Tenants
  • Posted by yankeegal_2 on Author
    Thank you!

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