
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Food Pairing Event At Window Showroom

Posted by sisakson on 250 Points
I need a name for a multi-faceted event for architects and builders. It could be that I need both a short, catchy name, with a longer tagline in order to make the event clear. It is taking place in our high-end window & door showroom. There will be food-drink pairings throughout the showroom, each highlighting a different window or door product. There will also be another area with a chance to experience a virtual reality game highlighting the benefits of our windows and doors. The window brand is Marvin, so my first thought was something like, "Marvin & Munchies", except classier. I appreciate any suggestions!
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  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    Targeting builders and architects class sweet spot:

    [company name] Window & Door Show (with food and drink)

    optional tagline—
    Come check out Marvin, you won't be starvin'
  • Posted by sisakson on Author
    Thanks for your suggestion. We do participate in Home Shows throughout the year - and this is a very different event - more about socializing and networking and awareness - less about product and sales. I want to differentiate it from the home shows.
  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    "Don't just look through the window, open doors to network"
    "Window to your future event"
  • Posted by sisakson on Author
    Thanks all for the suggestions, I think I've decided to go with "Experience Marvin: a food and drink pairing event" - we'll see what the boss thinks :)

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