
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For New Website

Posted by sb on 250 Points
I'm creating a website that will be focusing entirely on compassionate and happy news stories. The website is called I need some ideas for a tagline. Thank you!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    We need a bit more information.

    Who is your primary target audience? What is the objective (of the website and the tagline)? Why do you want a tagline? What is it supposed to communicate or do for you? What does success look like?

  • Posted by sb on Author
    I honestly don't have a target audience. I figure it's for anyone regardless of race, gender, religion, etc, who want to get away from all the negativity in the world to find a little faith in humanity. If you feel I do need a target audience I need a little time to think about it.
    I would like a tagline to use on Facebook and other social media marketing.
    Success would be people engaging in the website and forwarding it around to others.

    Thank you for your time. If you have more questions, please let me know as I'm very new at this.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    News To Make You Happy
    Only Happy News
    Oh Happy Day
    News To Warm Your Heart
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Member
    "I honestly don't have a target audience."

    Er ... that's kind of a crucial need.

    If "anyone" is your customer, then potentially, no one is.

    It's important that you be specific.

    Of greater importance right now for the success of your venture than a tagline is a community of raving fans. Without those people cheering you on and eagerly awaiting your next article, while you have a great idea, you lack substance. While I know that might sound harsh, it's advice given with the best of intent. Take a while to focus in on who your ideal reader is: this person then becomes your avatar, the ideal reader you'll appeal to.
  • Posted by sb on Author
    Thank you for your thoughts and no you didn't sound harsh. My husband was telling me the same thing before I posted this. I'll have to pinpoint who I want to target. Thank you again.

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