
Topic: Taglines/Names

Developing Tagline For A Traditional Neighborhood

Posted by jrisher on 250 Points
Looking for a tagline for a traditional planned development in a Southern state. Needs to feel like an old small town close to nature, with lots of possibilities to interact with the outdoors. They don't want anything cutesy. Needs to convey community and a slower pace.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Moderator
    Does this community have a name? Can you describe the target audience? Who are they? How old? Children? Where do they live now? Why would they consider moving to this community? Can we know the state? (Louisiana?)
  • Posted by jrisher on Author
    Thanks for your questions. I've been working on developing this tag line for a week and was feeling close but hopeless when I posted my query. About 30 minutes later, I got it! Thanks for the forum.

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