
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Company That Manufactures Lingerie

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I work for a company that manufactures lingerie called XXXX. We design, manufacture and distribute 6 lines of lingerie. Based in Canada, we have been able to compete in the market internationally.

We're looking to re-invent our company's tagline. The tagline we are using right now, "XXXX" is so incredibly out dated. We need something fresh and young. We also want to stress the fact that we manufacture quality lingerie, since this is what sets us a part from our competitors who typically import their lingerie from abroad. How do you make quality the crux of a brand image without saying "quality." I've been looking through magazines to see how other companies create brand awareness, but I just can't think of another way to say quality. Can anyone help?

Here's what I've come up with so far:

As you can see, I'm desperate. Any suggestions?

Thanks so much!!

Note: XXXX = content edited out by MP Staff at the request of the question author at a later date.
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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    My brain-dump is coming up with the words "luxury," "luxurious," and "discriminating."

    Maybe this will get your thoughts flowing:

    Luxurious Lingerie for Discriminating Women
    Luxurious Lingerie for Today's Sophisticated Woman
    Luxury You Can Wear
    Luxury You Can Feel
    The Personal Luxury You Wear

    The word "finer" also has a connotation of "quality," too. Maybe that will be useful.

    Hope this helps! And thanks for reminding me that my Christmas shopping is not yet complete!

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Your absolutely on the right line with your thinking. Your tagline MUST mirror your primary benefit, which you have identified.
    And research suggests that taglines are usually better recieved and remembered when they incorporate a company or product name. So you are spot on with your thinking there too.

    I think you have a good selection of ideas here already, take them, try them out with your own teams then with customers to see how they are precieved. The choose winner.

    Good Luck
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    JJean, I've read everyone's ideas. (Yawn.) I've also looked at your website. Frankly, the quality angle is more appropriate for Craftsman tools or GM cars.

    Is your customer really interested in quality? I doubt it!

    You seem to be targeting the woman interested in sex appeal. (And I applaud XXXX for having a "Diva" line.)

    Your tagline needs to simultaneously shout and whisper about allure, glamour, temptation, mystery, campy vamp, seduction, passion, lace, secrets... that sort of thing.

    I'd go with a tagline like,
    "What's underneath seduction."
    "Reveal your secrets."
    "Passion unwrapped."
    "Undercover allure."

    I hope this gives you a better direction to consider!

    - Shelley

    ps. I don't need forum points. Send me a corset instead! ;]
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi JJean

    i agree with Shelly, after going thru' your catalogues at the web site, regarding quality and sex appeal.

    here are my ideas about taglines for your products.

    XXXX - Your Seductive Half
    XXXX - The Next Best Thing to Your Skin/Body
    XXXX - Seduction Unwrapped
    XXXX - Your Only Intimate Apparel
    XXXX - Sex Appeal Enhanced
    XXXX - Your Passion Enhanced

    hope this helps.


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