
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline 4 B2b Selling & Servicing Manufacturing

Posted by lori.morrisonbufalo on 125 Points
Need help with tagline ideas. Our current tagline is 'Manufacture with Passion' ... however, we do NOT manufacture anything and it's misleading. Our owners have a passion for manufacturing and they thought it would work well, but after many years, marketing has convinced them it's time for a revamp.

Hartwig, Inc. is a distributor that sells CNC (metal cutting) machinery to manufacturing companies (of all industries and sizes). In addition to machinery, we also offer engineering services, repair/preventive maintenance, parts, technical support, training, etc. Over 70% of our employees provide our customers with after-the-sale support. We are a family-owned company founded in 1960 and the third generation is now leading it.

Another previous tagline was "Tomorrow's Manufacturing Solutions, Today"

Any help would be great! Thanks.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The key to a good tagline is the message it communicates and the image it evokes in the minds of your target audience. It's not about clever words or empty promises. It's the perceived benefit a customer can expect when they deal with you.

    So let's start with your primary target audience. Who exactly is in that audience? Where? What do they value? How do they make purchase decisions? What are their most important unmet needs? Which of their suppliers do they think are really valuable to their business? Why?

    If we (and you) can learn about what's on the mind of your [collective] target audience, we have a good shot at coming up with a tagline they will find meaningful ... even compelling. The key is NOT talking about what you do/offer, but about the benefit they can expect. What's in it for them to deal with you? How are you different from, and better than, your competitors?

    How does it benefit them, for example, to know that the company was founded in 1960? Some may think this indicates you are old-fashioned and haven't kept up with new technology. Why do they care if the company is family owned? Does that mean you value family ties more than professional management? Etc.

    Maybe start with a SWOT analysis, and follow that to find the gist of a new tagline.

    Separate subject: Your website is pretty boring. No color. With the exception of a couple black-and-white images in the rotating header on the home page there are no pictures of human beings -- and nothing that suggests you have happy customers ... no pictures of them and no testimonials. In short, the website could use some attention.
  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    "Tomorrow's INSERT DESIRED TRAIT, Today" has been done to death.

    "Manufacture with Passion" is a 'so what?' statement and as such, is no better than the previous statement and worse, it tells me, as a potential client, nothing about what the company can do for me.


    Which industry or government standards does this company meet, match, or exceed?

    What is it that ONLY this company does, or can boast, or can promise or guarantee?

    What is it about this company and its products or after care that clients value the most about doing business with this company?

    What else do your staff do or provide that no other competitor does or provides?

    But, BEFORE you do anything, read this book:

    Then contact Craig Mowrey at

    Smart Advantage offers a proprietary Competitive Advantage Process that will place you ahead of all your competition.

  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Hartwig, Inc.
    "Professional CNC Machinery and Support"
  • Posted by lori.morrisonbufalo on Author
    You can close this message. We've gone a different route.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    If this were my project, I would my current customers how they describe your company and services you provide. Marketing department could contact them, you can hire an outside agency to survey them, or you can use your existing customer service people to collect comments. For example, goodbyes some very high quality coffee mugs, prepackaged so they are ready to ship, and your customer facing employees could promise one to any customer Who answers a one question survey. Who knows, maybe one of your customers can describe you better than you can describe yourself.
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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