
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For A Group Fitness Experience

Posted by rrobertsstudio on 1500 Points
There are some great group workout concepts out there that burn a lot of calories in little time but they fall short when it comes to "changing their fixed set-up and routine." Without change, even the best workout will get boring and your body with plateau. We have enough fixed routines in life, your workout regimen shouldn't be. I have an amazing workout "experience" that is proven, and it never gets old. The style of training is rooted in science, with the interval training stimulating fat loss for days. I'm looking for a name that has some level of sophistication (not a cheap membership) that goes with this concept. The name can't be a common word used in the fitness category because it can't be trademarked.
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  • Posted by Gary Bloomer on Accepted
    FlexBrn (note the spelling). Why can't the name you choose be trademarked?
  • Posted by rrobertsstudio on Author
    I was told by trademark attorneys that you can't properly trademark and protect 'a word" that is commonly used, within a category, that describes a common service. You also can't modify the spelling alone. My name changed the spelling of a common word within the fitness industry.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Member
    Who specifically is likely to be interested: weekend warriors, semi-pro athletes, men/women trying to lose weight, men/women working on physique, youth, or... ?
    Can your name be tied to your region or are you thinking of something non-specific that you might wish to franchise?
    Why are people interested in: rooted in science, not getting old, or fat loss?
  • Posted by rrobertsstudio on Author
    Not weekend warriors or semi pro athletes. 80/20 women to men. Even though you have a mixture of professional people seeking a better physique and better performance, the biggest target is millennials. They are willing to invest more in their bodies than their shelter. They also see are looking for a fun and social approach. And the last thing they want is a routine that will become boring. The biggest benefit for many of the calorie burn is to be able to live a The biggest calorie burning benefit for many is the ability to enjoy that lives guilty pleasures. Looking to franchise and not just be regional. Rooted in science is just the proof point when talking about a multi-day calorie burn.
  • Posted by rrobertsstudio on Author
    Hopefully there will be a tribal element as well. We want members to carry the flag and share their experiences.
  • Posted by Jay Hamilton-Roth on Accepted
    A few ideas to play with:
    • Forever Fit
    • Guilty Fit
    • Playgym
    • The Difference
    • Body Play(gym)
    • Exercise For Life
  • Posted by comeback.mcqueen on Accepted
    get out and about in the world
    face to face not cyber space to cybe space
  • Posted by saul.dobney on Accepted





  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    In addition to asking us, I would strongly encourage you to ask your users and customers. How they describe your program? What do they think is unique about it? What do they call it? What do they see as the major benefits?

    Another thought: Is the program customizable? Can individuals tailor the program to accommodate their own schedule and level of fitness and perceived body issues and so forth? If so, and if recognizable people are positive and enthusiastic, maybe you could Get permission to tie their names into it. For example, here's the program Joe Montana uses, or Cindy Crawford's program… or the Specialized customized exercise routine used by the Dallas Cowboy cheerleaders…
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Member
    NoPlateau Interval Training
    "Experience it—Live it."
  • Posted by rrobertsstudio on Author
    This space is so hard because it's over saturated with every name you can think of. Every name I like in the feedback above (and there are several) is already taken. Then I have a trademark attorney saying the name can't be a descriptive word used in the industry. Lot's of gyms do it but they are not trademarked. The attorney suggests fanciful names that are cool, sticky and easy to protect. Thanks for all the effort so far!
  • Posted by Mike Steffes on Accepted
    Flexterval Training
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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