
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need Help With A Tagline

Posted by lindsay.elite10 on 250 Points
My symbol for my personal real estate "business" is going to be a pineapple. I work for a company with the word "dream Homes" in the title. Im trying to think of a good one that advertises welcoming, home, hospitality, cheer, things like that that are good for real estate. Can you help?
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The best taglines communicate a unique positioning benefit that is meaningful to the target audience ... not something that blends in with what everyone else in the business is saying. Either explain the pineapple or tell your target audience why/how you are different from, and better than, all the other realtors who serve your area. Give them a real reason to select you. Tell them what's in it for them to pick YOU.

    If you simply use generic terms like "welcoming, home, hospitality, cheer," etc., you are basically advertising the industry ... and you're probably not helping your business a whole lot. Think about what the objective of your tagline should be. How will you ever know if the tagline is worth anything?

    As Yogi Berra said, "If you don't know where you're going, you'll end up someplace else." Start with a clear (and measurable) objective.
  • Posted by nlytenmedia on Accepted
    I'll further add to mgoodman's answer by saying that if you work for a company who has an established brand already, then your best bet is to leverage that first. If you determine the need to have your own personal brand in addition, you may still want to strongly consider co-branding. Take advantage of the money and efforts that your company has already invested. I can also tell you from personal experience as well as from hearing the experiences of others, that branding (names, slogan, etc) mean a lot less when buying a home than the level of knowledge and service that the Realtor provides. People refer good realtors because they had a great experience with the realtor, not because the realtor had a good tagline.
  • Posted by rakesh_sethia80 on Accepted
    Try these:
    Space for everyone!
    Happy homes happy you!
    Brick tricks!
    We build your dreams!

    Rakesh Jain
  • Posted by Shelley Ryan on Moderator
    Hi Everyone,

    I am closing this question since there hasn't been much recent activity.

    Thanks for participating!


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