
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For An It Project Needed

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
My company is planning to implement an IT project. The objective is to enable people to use technology and enable them to increase their efficieny. A number of people consider the implementation of IT as something that is there to take away there jobs, etc. They still fear IT. We want to have a name that is understandable, has a philosophy, makes the project appear as a tool for the people and not a 'conspirancy' against them. URGENT HELP NEEDED
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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Not bad... Possible slight revolutionary overtones...

    How about "Empowering You - The IT tools you need to get more done, more effectively"

    Good Luck with the project.

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    IT as "it" is commonly used in cases like this and effective at normalising the IT function.

    So themes like ...


    If your not into 'corn' (trust me I have seen the above concepts work well), how about:

    suggests a natural progression, evolve to survive, becoming better etc

    introduce new methods, changes; innovative adjective 1 featuring new methods; advanced and original: innovative designs. 2 (of a person) original and creative in thinking.

    the ability to be able to survive and grow, energetic, and process a healthy capacity for vigorous activity.

    Good Luck

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