
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline For City's Transportation Division

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am a marketing & communications professional for the Transportation Division near Phoenix. I have been charged with creating a logo and tagline for the Division and since we don't sell anything tangible and we cannot alter the name of the Division (since we are government), it has been difficult to come up with a tagline. In addition to repairing roads and intersections, we also construct new roads (residential, arterial and collector), install and maintain street signals and street lights, create and maintain road signs, sweep and stripe the streets and clean alleys. The transit center is also under the Division, so we are responsible for managing the City's transit system and bus shelters. We also have a traffic studies team that delivers traffic and pedestrian safety messages and educates residents on speed-reducing techniques.

Phew! As you can see, creating a tagline has proven to be quite difficult. The logo I created looked like a road swish (using the "T" in transportation, if I am making sense) < but so far< the taglines haven't quite hit the mark. We want to be seen as delivering quality transportation options and services to residents and getting them from point A to point B. A lot of transportation divisions around the country really play up the motion or movement aspect, so I was thinking I might come up with something that differentiates us, but am somewhat stuck.

Here are the ideas I have so far (all of which come after the transportation division's name, Glendale Transportation Division):

We're quality driven
Going the distance
Taking you there
Paving your way
Helping you get there
We'll move you
The road to the future

Thanks in advance!
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    I can't help it... what keeps coming to my mind:

    "Moving Right Along."
  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    What is the purpose of the tag line? What is it you want people to know? Why? What's the marketing objective?

    You're probably struggling to come up with suggestions because it's not clear what it is you're trying to communicate. I'll bet you don't have a solid, well articulated mission statement or positioning. That's why it's so hard to come up with the tagline.

    If I'm wrong, share the positioning statement with us and let's try to get some tag lines that communicate the positioning.

    P.S. How are you going to evaluate the various suggestions? Usually you select the one that best captures the essence of the positioning statement. If you don't have a positioning statement, then how will you know when you have the right tagline?
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I liked your own words, and puy them into a credible tagline

    "delivering quality transportation"

    or, trying to get more emotion into it ...

    "with you all the way"
    "from A to Z and everywhere inbetween"
    "better by miles"

    Good Luck
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Also consider "Driven by You" if you want to emphasise your customer focussed approach.

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