
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For Financial Radio Show

Posted by Anonymous on 100 Points
I am hosting a local radio show on Finance. Most of the shows time is dedicated to the management of money. Stocks, bonds, economy, lending, etc.
The name is "Money Matters". I am looking for a Tagline I can use as part of my introduction. For example..Thank you for tuning in to Money Matters where.....
It is after the "where" I am stuck.

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  • Posted by Inbox_Interactive on Member
    "Thank you for tuning in to Money Matters, where your money matters!"

    Or ... "...your money matters most!"

    Are those crickets I hear?

    I'll be here all week, folks.

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member

    As W.M.M.A. states simplicity is very important and when applied with clarity you develop trust. In the arena of money trust is crucial. Your tagline should be short and to the point.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" where you get advice that's clear.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" where you get successful financial solutions.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" because clear advice is important to you.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" because getting financial advice should be simple.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" because all financial solutions should be this simple.

    Thank you for tuning into "Money Matters" because all financial solutions you get should be this simple.

    Look forward to your feedback brian.gass. How long have you hosted this show? How many people listen to the show? And what makes your show filled with financial advice different? And what do they get from you that they can not get from all the other radio talk shows in your area? I may have a dozen or more other things I can impart for you after you answer these questions. And if I can't my expert panel will definitely be able to offer more input. Is there anything else I can do for you? Thanks.

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    I spent six years as an accountant where my clients were very concerned about the financial advice I gave them.
  • Posted by Billd724 on Member
    Brian --

    As a financial consultant (in a former life) I would ask WHO your ideal audience is . . . because if it's a 'newbie' to financial matters that's one thing. If it's an accomplished individual who's concerned about protecting the assets they've accumulated, that's quite another!

    For a 'tagline' if you're seeking to appeal to the asset protection group, I would offer this: "Thanks for tuning to Money Matters . . . where we help you solve the problems that your wealth creates".

    Trust me, THAT appeals to the asset accumulators in the world!

    For a 'tagline' if you're seeking to appeal to the newbie group, I would offer this: "Thanks for tuning to Money Matters . . . where what matters to you about your money, matters to us"

    Of these two groups, I'd prefer to appeal to those people who have accumulated assets they'd like to retain and grow. Their challenges -- and opportunities -- are greater and your appeal-ability will be, too!

    Thanks for asking!

    Bill . . . a former CLU / ChFC '-)
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "where we make Money Matters simple"
    "where we look at turning cents into dollars"
    "where we want your American dollars to work for you"
    "where we help you make the most of your money"

    Good Luck
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member

    "...where you'll find a wealth of experience and financial insight."

    or replace "find" with "get" or "hear" or "share"
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "Its your money, make it count"

    Which gives you a nice promotional message too ....

    "Its your time, make it count"
  • Posted by Billd724 on Accepted
    Hi again, Brian --

    Good responses you're getting here!

    Just another thought . . . and yes, I concur about the RIA issues that limit how you can present / promote yourself . . . while the 'un'professionals get away with marketing 'murder' . . . but I digress '-)

    Here's a tried and true line that shouldn't run afoul of your broker-dealer's compliance officers . . . "Welcome to Money Matters where we help your money work as hard for you as you worked for it"

    A CFP friend of mine (whose trade name is, ironically, Money Matters™) found this worked quite well for her and a number of other planners.

    BTW, will your show be syndicated? Available for listening on the Internet? Reason I ask . . . it would be fun to catch your show.

    All the best,


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