
Topic: Taglines/Names


Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am in the mortgage business, and I market a by using the number 1-800-ASSISTANT, I need a tagline to go with it. I have thougt of:

"Your mortgage assistant"
"assisting you every step of the way"

Any ideas??

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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Don't repeat the word "assist" in the tagline. Try something like this:

    "24-hour mortgage help."
    "Your mortgage hotline."
    "Your toll-free hotline for mortgage help."
  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Instead of just describing your service, sneak the benefit in!

    "Making Mortgages More Painless."

    "Get a (mortgage?) loan without FEELING alone."

    "Lower your mortgage rates. (And your blood pressure.)"

  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    I agree with Shelley in that you do not need to use the term "assist" again.

    Build on what you have, explain a little more about what you do. Describe your core benefit to the market.

    Good Luck

  • Posted by telemoxie on Member
    how about, "Helping you save money"
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Shelley is right. Don't repeat the name in your tagline.

    The real question is "What's your positioning?" Surely you have more there than a phone number that spells "assistant." Why should people call you? What's the most important benefit they'll get if they use your services instead of a competitor's?

    Have you talked with your target audience and found out what it is they look for when searching for a mortgage broker? That would be a good way to start figuring out what your positioning should be. After all, if you promise 24/7 availability by phone, but your target audience is more concerned with a face-to-face meeting, you could have a business concept that's doomed to fail no matter how clever your phone number and tagline are.

    Did you prepare a business plan before you started this venture? What was the key benefit you identified there? Do you still believe that's the right benefit? Is it unique, or is it something everyone in the business promises? (Competitive rates, fast answers, easy paperwork, etc., etc.) How are you reaching your target audience with the message? What are you telling them they'll get if they dial your ASSISTANT phone number?

    I think your next step needs to be identification of a positioning that will win in the marketplace. Without that you're rearranging deck chairs on the Titanic. (Sorry, I know that's really trite, but I couldn't come up with any other clever metaphors to make the point.)
  • Posted by Nancy Myrland on Accepted
    mggodman is right. What are several words you can identify that describe what you do? Think of words used that have to do with what you do for your clients.

    By the way, what are you doing for your clients? Are you a mortgage broker--you didn't say? Assistant and mortgages aren't similar, nor obviously complementary words to me, so I am even wondering if you have the right phone number.

    Back to your tagline...after you help us with the descriptions of how you are helping your clients, and what problems you are solving for them (what makes them lose sleep about this kind of transacation?), then we can think about what your SHORT tagline should be. It should be focused on your client, not on you. Does your company have a name? Your phone number won't always be sitting right next to your name and tagline anyhow. Always be careful to give your actual phone number when using 1-800-ASSISTANT. There are few things more irritating to some than when they have to look at their dial pad to figure out your actual numbers. Don't ever make them work to find you! They don't have the time and they don't need to work as there are always other companies who do what you do who will make it easy to find them.

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