
Topic: Taglines/Names

Good Punchline For My Web Based 'it Company'

Posted by Anonymous on 25 Points
When a company turns as old as ours everything starts speaking about its legacy. From the stones, to the buildings, to the people who dwell in it, everything begins to cherish its worth and value.Undeniably, the company, like a fine and unique wine, keeps getting better year by year!
Everything we think should be thought with care knowing that our thoughts will become our punchline which will show as actions with lapse of time. It should be like a brilliant dish- intricate, delicious and delicate, but knowing that one wrong ingredient in the recipe will ruin everything.
Words like diligent,perseverance come to my mind when I think of punchline.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Your philosophies are lovely, but what is it that you need here?

    Nobody can offer you tagline suggestions without knowing anything about your company. Stones, fine wine and delicate dishes aren't terribly useful, I'm afraid.

    If you need advice on HOW to create a tagline, use the holy trinity of MarketingProfs links:

    - Search Questions (on the right)
    - Search Resources (just below that)
    - the articles archive (Search BOX at the top of the page)

    Try the keyword "tagline" each time and you'll find lots of interesting stuff.
  • Posted by telemoxie on Accepted
    Another approach would be to hire an outside firm to interview and survey your customers - and ask those loyal customers why they value their relationship with your firm. You might learn quite a bit from their perspectives, they may give you some great ideas and words for marketing purposes, and you will probably turn up some new business from old friends in the process.
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    I would be interesting in knowing more about your business, name, services etc.

    I agree with Valeries idea of brainstorming, but I would turn it around to your customers, why are they attracted to your business ? If you get enough responses from customers, you may drop on a suitable tagline, or it will generate ideas for one.

    The "A Mars a day" slogan was created this way!

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Member
    hi!!can somebody suggest a punchline for our brand named "PRANKS" which deals in menswear...mainly in shirts,trousers..........

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