
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need Help With A Tagline For A Canadian Realtor

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm trying to help a client 'update' her image a little and she's had a new website built - - but it's not finished yet.

She also needs a tag line if possible but I'm really stumped for ideas. Her old one was "I bring HOME results".

Any help from you wonderful people would be appreciated.

Many thanks
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  • Posted by Ann H. on Moderator
    Christine --

    First of all, a comment: I'm impressed that Ann Henning used her own name as a domain. Especially for Realtors and other service professionals, this makes a ton of sense; I wish more professionals would do the same.

    More typically, I've seen something like this:

    ...and I always roll my eyes and think: How stupid is that? WHY make it more difficult for people to find you??

    So, kudos to Ann. Brilliant. Good for her.

    As for tag lines, I really do like the minor yet significant change the esteemed D4Demand suggested above. (And good for D4 for NOT suggesting, "Bringing home results, eh!" ..just kidding you on the Canada thing!)

    Another option might be:

    Bringing You Home

    Best of luck,

    Ann Handley

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    My experience with realtors tells me that taglines are pretty meaningless. Don't sweat over this.

    Ann can keep her existing tagline, or use the great suggestions offered by D4D and Ann H. The thing that will get her clients, though, is referrals and relationships.

    - Shelley
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Let me add one thing:

    If you really want to help a realtor or agent be MEMORABLE, you'll have to play with her NAME in the tagline.

    Alliteration, rhyming, wordplay, imagery...

    But "Henning" is truly a challenge. ;]

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