
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need An Wind-energy Related Tag Line

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We are a start-up company that needs a strong identity. The name Aerisyn is latin - meaning atmosphere and energy, but we need a strong tag line to go with this. I'm stuck. The company builds/designs industrial wind towers/turbines - our focus is renewable energy, a clean and alternative option to using fossil fuels. We are positioning the company to be on the leading edge of wind-energy in North America, however will work globally.

Some of the key words/phrases I've kicked around are: Lofty, alternative, clean, - wind has no boundaries. Maybe it should slant more on the word energy or technology??
I'm at a loss. Since this will be a global company, it's imperative to start the branding and identity off on the right foot. The company may also expand into more than just wind tower fabrication/design, it may encompass more areas of renewable resources down the road, so the tagline should be broad enough and still apply these developments.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    What is the main benefit a customer would realize if he hired you/bought your products? That central positioning benefit is what you should want to communicate in your tagline.

    "Solutions" is a very vague benefit. You need to be much more specific. Perhaps start with a SWOT analysis, or talk to a few customers about what they look for when considering suppliers in your industry. Listen hard to what they're saying and see if any of their needs are the things you do/deliver. If so, that's a good start on your unique positioning benefit.

    This exercise needs to begin with a benefit oriented positioning. "Technology leader" isn't a benefit. It might be the way you get to a benefit, but it's not a benefit per se.

    The positioning task needs to come first. Then you can deal with the tagline.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi there

    i agree with the advice from mgoodman. he has clearly stated the process how the tagline should be decided. so far i understood that you want to have a tagline that will cover all sorts of renewable/clean energy.

    anyway, how about.........

    Tapping Clean Energy for the World

    Tapping Wind Power for the World

    Delivering Clean Energy

    Clean Energy Solutions for Cleaner Earth

    Global Clean Energy Solution Provider

    Global Source of Cleaner Energy

    Your Cleaner Energy Solution Partner

    you can also replace the "Clean/er" with "Renewable". hope that helps.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I've put this into the Taglines category simply because I can.

    Now... GMTA must be true. (Great Minds Think Alike!)

    Suze, a.k.a. LittleWhacky, has already delivered the verbal groceries that I had in mind. Specifically, something like "Harnessing renewable windpower."

    For your boss:
    "We stand for renewable energy."

    That's it from me. No dogs to feed, but it's happy hour in this time zone. ;]

    ~ Shelley
  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Accepted
    ...directing the power of wind energy is where we stand alone.

    ...directing wind power puts us out front

    ...we control wind power

    ...we are the wind gatherers, harnessing it's power.

    ...we collect and direct the wind

    ...we stand collecting & directing the wind

    ...And you thought the wind was uncontrollable

    ...We are the wind controllers

    ...And we make the wind obey us.

    have fun with it tkuyoth (the world is too serious). Is there anything else I can do for you?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

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