
Topic: Taglines/Names

How Would You Tag Line This Pottery?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm having trouble coming up with a tag line for my hand made pottery. I'm not sure what the defining factor is, when it comes to "why people buy my pottery". Some say, "this is nice and lite-weight", others say "I love your glazes", still others, "it just feels so good to hold in my hands". Comfort, quality, uniqueness. I get caught up in all the testing I've done and want to share the technical details that I've achieved in my pottery, but people's eyes glaze over!

How do I come up with a Nike-like statement, like, "In my soul, I am an athlete."?

When someone buys hand made pottery, what are they feeling inside? How does it connect with them emotionally, even in the fantasy of their self-definition?
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  • Posted by Markitek on Member
    It's really impossible to come up with the right tag for you without knowing you or seeing the work you do . . . but here's my advice.

    Read back on everything you've written . . . I think your answer is there (except for the "glaze" pun of course!). If not in those words, in others that youll find if you sit and commit your thoughts to paper . . . don't search for the tag, search for what you want the tag to convey and what it should describe and evoke.

    Here's what what you've written here brings to my mind

    "Because it just feels good"
    "Feel how it makes you feel."
    "Unique. Like you."

    Those may make you groan--I'm just shooting in the dark--in fact your own first efforts may not be right, but the process is right. Put as many down on paper as you have the patience . . . you'll find the one that works.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi David

    just like shardman and markitek said, i think you have that "one" in your clients' words/comments. so talk to them more and get their comments, write those down and you will get the desired one.

    from whatever your have mentioned, i get the following...

    "Feel it, Feel the Uniqueness"
    "Feel the Difference"
    "Feel the Feelings of Touch"
    "Pamper your feelings"

    hope that helps.

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Other ideas to consider:

    "Handled with care."
    "Hold everything."
    "As unique as yourself."

    Just curious: Where are you selling your pottery? At art fairs? In gift shops? Your own store? On eBay? And what kind of items do you make?

    ~ Shelley
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Creative products (like art, pottery, etc.) are the most difficult to position. And, because of that, the taglines are the most difficult to craft.

    The beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, and all the beholders are like the blind men trying to feel and describe the elephant. That makes positioning (and taglines) very challenging. (Is that why Picasso didn't have a tagline?)

    I would focus more on creating awareness for your work, not a tagline. Do you have a business card with color images of your work? Do you have a website that showcases your best work? Do you have a name that people can remember (and perhaps visualize)?

    I once had a client called "GreenStone Industries," and they gave people polished green stones along with their business cards. Everyone remembered their name. Maybe that's the approach you should take. It's going to be all but impossible to come up with a tagline that does your work justice.
  • Posted by SteveByrneMarketing on Member

    It sounds like you want to create a deep emotional connection through your tagline. It’s a “feeling” experience to purchase good pottery. Here are a few directions –

    - molding soul into the clay
    - from the hands of the potter, to the soul in the clay
    - touching earth through the hands of the Potter
    - feeling the earth like a Potter does
    - molding the earth into art
    - made with clay and a Potter’s soul
    - feel what the Potter feels
    - the art and soul of pottery
    - the soothing feeling of pottery

    hope these help you,

    - Steve

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