
Topic: Taglines/Names

Berry Brand Name - Is My Idea Ok?

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Last year we ran a pilot project on premium own-brand strawberries and raspberries to be sold throughout Scotland with the exception of supermarkets. So restaurants, hotels, convenience/health stores and fruit and veg shops. It is currently, as you may know, very difficult to source grade I soft fruit anywhere but supermarkets. The pilot project went very well, but the brand name was wrong. The family name is Bruce and the farm is called [***] so I thought of [***] as it is Scottish, alliterative and easy to remember (though perhaps not easy to pronounce!). As the fruit is packaged and picked to very high specifications, I want the brand name to reflect this. I would be very very grateful for your opinions on this as a brand name and to hear any ideas that you may have.
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  • Posted by bobhogg on Member

    As a Scot (exiled in England for many years) I read your question and thought "[***]" is far too much of a mouthful for non-Scots! However, judging by the comments you've already had from an international selection of respondents, I was obviously wrong!

    And then, on re-reading your question, I see that the target market is Scotland anyway. So, yes, I'll join previous respondents and say go for "[***]"!

    Good luck,

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