
Topic: Research/Metrics

Website Statistics

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
For a company website do you know any statistics regarding the destination of visitors (contact, management bio, services, history, financials, downloads, articles...)?
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  • Posted by Peter (henna gaijin) on Accepted
    You don't get much of this using standard website hit counts. You can get some, such as downloads, using hit counts (you will know how many downloads or views of particular pages, but not specifically who).

    if the site is one where people register to use it, you can get much of this data as part of your registration process.
  • Posted by Pepper Blue on Accepted
    Hi Roxana,

    The availability of this information depends on who you are using for your website hosting and what kind of metrics they provide you with either at no cost or cost, or whether you have in place the services of a software provider or application service provider that will provide this to you.

    Regardless of which offering you choose to use the cost and menu of offerings varies greatly. For example, for only $1.95 a month on top of the $3.95 hosting will provide you with the metrics you mentioned and a whole lot more like IP addresses. referring URLs, seach engines, keywords etc. (plus as I mentioned destination pages).

    What you do with this information once you get it is a whole other question, but you are on the right path by understanding that it is valuable and in most cases essential information to have for any website and emarketing decision-making purposes.

    I hope that helps!

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