
Topic: Taglines/Names

Cafe/bar Name For Leisure Complex

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am opening a cafe/bar which is located in a complex that includes a dive (as in scuba) pool, a golf course, a bowling alley and an outdoor recreation centre (rope climbs, abseiling, rock climbing etc). I need a name that can link in with all of these, or else something that is nothing to do with any of them. (Meaning I don't just want to link to the golf, eg.) The location is Railway Road. Also would like a link to food and/or drink if possible. Not asking much, I know! Am in New Zealand, in a town called Palmerston North, Palmy for short. Any ideas?
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  • Posted by michael on Member
    X-treme RefReshement
    In the US, the railroad crossing sign looks like rXr
    You could have a logo artist (my son is one) locally include this into your signage.
  • Posted on Author

    Thanks for those suggestions.
    Michael, I was liking Xtreme, until my partner pointed out that there was already one here! Duh! Must be why it sounded familiar!
    Tate... we aren't that big a town! But I like the idea of naming the food after local heroes and/or scorers. I will be in touch!

    Still hoping for more though!

  • Posted by michael on Member
    What about Total Complex Refreshment.

    You could easily work something else with TCR such as a tagline that says the complete refreshment choice
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Why not play on the theme of replenishing some of the body's fuel stocks that have been depleted through the various high-energy activities...

    e.g. Re/Fuel, Fuel, Burn, ReLoad, Tank, any of which could be added to "-Station" if you want to play on the Railway Rd location.

    Or if you want to play on the PN town name, why not call it something relaxing like "Palmy Oasis".

    In the interest of trans-Tasman relations, I hope this helps...

  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    BusyBody's (BusyBodies)



    PlayStation (yes, I know....)


    I'm Game


  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi jenbob

    how about these...

    "The 18th Hour"
    "Adda" (thats Bengali for hanging out)
    "Adda @ 18th"
    "THE 25TH HOUR" (i personally like it, also)
    "ESKAPE" (replacing the 'c' with 'k')

    hope this helps

  • Posted on Author

    Thanks for those responses.

    ChrisB, in the interest of TransTasman relations, I guess you've never been to Palmy!! an Oasis it aint!! :)

    Liking the Re/Fuel thing tho.

    Someone said that you should try and choose a letter near the start of the alphabet for advertising purposes (yellow pages etc) Important or not?? Question only because all those so far have been "late" letters.

    Browncatfan: InterAction is good.

    I'm sorry guys!! I am REALLY picky! I just know I will know it when I hear/see it!

    Just t give you an idea of what we DONT want - a friend of mine suggested "the Scuba Diner"!!
    hehe... good pun, but no!

    Any more??


  • Posted by michael on Member

    Not sure how many people would be looking in the phone book for your kind of services...but one never knows! The good thing is that NUMBERS come before letters. So if the address is 123 Railway Road you could use ChrisB's idea and go with something like

    123 Re/Fuel or some "catchy" phrase to go with the address.

    We're trying!
  • Posted on Author
    Hi Michael!

    I know you are all trying, and I'm grateful!
    The yellow pages thing: you're right. It's not going to be an issue is it??

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi jenny

    adding to my earlier posting.....

    "The EDEN"

  • Posted on Author
    Thanks for all these!

    I now have a few to choose from, which is much better than the none i had before!
    Really appreciate it.


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