
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Great Unique Name For My New Store

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am opening up a clothing store geared towards the taller men and women 5'9 and taller. I really need a great name and am wondering if anyone has any suggestions. Thanks for all the help.
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi jennfriesen,

    how about these...

    "Tall & Tall" (for Guys and Galls)
    "Towering Fashion"
    "Five Nine and Up"
    "The Tallers" (meaning those are above 5'9")

    hope this helps.

  • Posted on Accepted
    Hi Jenn,

    The one thing I would worry about while targeting both men and women is that while men might be more likely to shop at a store that meets their physical requirements, women are probably going to want something that will meet their style requirements. With that in mind, I would suggest something that alludes to the fact that these will be fashionable options. Here are some thoughts:

    Statuesque: Stylish Clothes for Leggy Men and Women
    Stature: Fashions for Tall Men and Women
    The Heights: Stylish Clothes for Leggy Men and Women

    Or, perhaps you could incorporate the name of something tall and positive. Many taller people have endured insults regarding their height or might even feel upset by the fact that, because of their height, they cannot simply buy clothing at any store.

    I read somewhere that no living thing on Earth grows taller than a coastal redwood (Sequoia sempervirens). Not sure how many people would know this, but you could try:

    Redwood: Tall. Fashionable. Proud.
    Everest: Fashions for Tall Men and Women.
    Empire: Fashions for Tall Men and Women

    I hope these help.

    Lucky Guppy Marketing

  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    I'm a word-play guy, but people are pretty serious about their appearance, so I'd err on the side of classy. Perhaps something like:

    Stature. High fashion for tall people.

    Looking Up.
    Heads Up.

    Of course, if the clothing itself is younger/funkier:

    Daddy Long-Legs
    Fashion Heights

    Good Luck!

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hey mike

    i like the name Giraffe, thats a funny one :-))
  • Posted by StarsDie on Accepted
    I like the name "Tall-Inclusive" suggested by JoMasterson. I think it very precisely describes the clothes sold in the store. You just need to create a good logo for it.

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