
Topic: Taglines/Names

Creating A Tagline

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
My organization is a provider of market data, software solutions, and staffing services to the financial industry. These 3 businesses are technically 3 separate companies, however, we leverage off of one company name. We need a tagline/positioning statement that defines our organization.

The data and software businesses are more inter-related - but throwing the staffing business (essentially an employment agency to the financial community) into the mix makes things a little more difficult. We are in a niche market - as a financial data provider as well as a software solutions provider to process this financial data. On the other hand, the staffing unit provides services that are not specific to this niche market so that they have a bigger market to sell their services.

How do I come up with a tagline that can market our 3 businesses to clients/prospects?!
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Wendy, WHY do you need/want a tagline? And why a single tagline for all the businesses? Is the buyer/decision maker for each service the same person, or are they usually different individuals?

    Also, can you help us by sharing your positioning statement? What makes you different from, and better than, others in your business? What's your point of difference? What benefits do you provide that set you apart from competition?

    Finally, what criteria will you use to decide on a tagline? If we come up with a dozen good ones, how will you know which one to use? If you can define the criteria in advance we'll have a much better chance of coming up with something that meets your needs.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    great response the experts so far.

    how about these...

    "Your Business Solutions Provider"
    "On Demand Business Solutions"
    "One-Stop Solutions for Financial Industry"
    "Solutions Financial Industry Trusts"
    "Solutions for Business"
    "Financial Industry Banks on Us"

    hope this helps.


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