
Topic: Taglines/Names

Online Beauty Supply

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I'm starting up an online beauty supply store. It will mainly be high end hair care products. I want something catchy like Sephora or Felico. A name that really has no meaning.
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  • Posted on Accepted
    You could also brainstorm some words that describe the quality of hair the consumer will get by using your product and then make a play on those words. Or the feeling they will get from using it (sephora makes me think of euphoria; felico makes me think of felicity).

    I'm providing some examples below just to give you a sense of how to play around with this. It's a fine line, some of them sound like prescription drugs to me or arbitrary in other ways! That said, just to get your juices flowing:

    Flaxen (you could try something like) Flaxiss
    Silky (you could try something like) Silkana
    Vibrant (you could try something like) Vivilux

    Hope this helps.


    Lucky Guppy Marketing
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi there

    how about....

    "Elo Keshi Konya" (acronym EKK, that means Long Haired Beauty, in Bengali)

    "Deeghol Kaalo Kesh" (acronym DKK, that Long Black Haired Beauty, in Bengali)

    "KhubSoortii"(thats beautiful in Hindi/Urdu)

    "Mekhlaa" (thats long hair in Bengali)

    hope that helps.


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