
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline Required For A Sandwich Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hey guys,
Am back. this time i require a funky tagline for my sandwich company,
We are basically selling sandwiches to customers on the move. The company's called Sandwich Express..
We wld be selling mostly Indian Flavoured Sandwiches.
The sandwiches are priced at a very reasonable rate, making it available to people at all levels..
please help me out, asap....
its really URGENT!
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  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Curry in hurry!

    Hasty and tasty!

    Goodness to Go!

    A Great Grab!

    A Meal on the Move.

    Express Your Tastes!
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    "There's a new delhi in town"


  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi there

    i like the "smell the east in the middle of west" one.

    how about these.....

    Sandwich Express
    "On Demand Sandwich from SE"

    Sandwich Express
    "None Makes Sandwich better than us"

    Sandwich Express
    "The new taste of India"

    Sandwich Express
    "Fuelling Faster India"

    hope that helps.


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