
Topic: Taglines/Names

Finding The Right Tagline For My Website Business

Posted by Anonymous on 750 Points
Hi there,
I have been struggling with taglines for my business for a while. I do website design for small-mid business. My differentiation is that I serve " those who are hard to please" and want a better website that not only looks better but gives them an ROI in terms of more business.
my website is

I want my tag line to be simple but catchy, I dont want the typical " We'll Accelerate your business to the moon" type of thing.Something simple and true.

Here are some ideas I came up with. Please give me your feedback and thoughts.

THanks in advance to everyone!!!

Next Step e-Solutions. Think Different.

Next Step e-Solutions. Forward thinking.

Next Step e-Solutions. When quality counts.

Next Step e-Solutions. When average just won’t do.

Next Step e-Solutions. Moving beyond the ordinary.

Next Step e-Solutions. Promotions for the particular.

Next Step e-Solutions. Expect more. Get more.

Next Step e-Solutions. Passionate about performance.

Next Step e-Solutions. Ideas for the idealistic.

Next Step e-Solutions. Radical results.

Next Step e-Solutions. Oasis from the ordinary.

Next Step e-Solutions. Strategies for brilliance.

Next Step e-Solutions. Changing the way the world sees you.

Next Step e-Solutions. Step Up to Real Results.

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  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted

    I found the same problem as Anne, and at the time of writing, it’s still there. All the links under the Internet Secrets heading, and the bottom two links under the Expect More heading, point to your contact form page, not to where they should.

    Also, “commitment” is misspelled on the home page.

    Now, to your tagline: I looked at your list, and thought pretty much anyone could make similar claims. What is it that really differentiates your business from competitors?


    Think Different. Yes, but what does that mean?

    Forward thinking. How about giving some examples here?

    When quality counts. When doesn’t it count?

    When average just won’t do. see above

    Moving beyond the ordinary. Yes, and please hurry…

    Promotions for the particular. Please explain?

    Expect more. Get more. I am, but I’m not getting it yet - tell me what this means!

    Passionate about performance. Aren’t we all!

    Ideas for the idealistic. Like… give an example!

    Radical results. Prove it if you can! Case studies!

    Oasis from the ordinary. Ho hum...

    Strategies for brilliance. Good, but give some tangible examples!

    Changing the way the world sees you. A case study with customer testimonial would help put this in context

    Step Up to Real Results. Again, show me the examples through a case study, before/after study, customer testimonials, etc…

    I don't think it really matters much what the tagline is, so long as it matches the way you feel the business differentiates itself, and is fully supported by additional reference material, case studies, customer examples, and so on.

    Differentiation in your market is tremendously challenging. everyone really offers the same promise: A great website creatively designed in glowing colours will bring your business to life. The reality is different - customers have an expectation, you need to show how you can deliver on that.

    Your Selling ability will come from the relationship-building skills you exhibit, not from your tagline.

    Your challenge here is to create more enquiries - your website and the tagline are like silent salespeople in that effort.

    Pick a theme (any theme) that you truly believe in, and follow it through with full marketing support.

    Use real people - photos and real comments - in your examples -just showing me a bunch of websites you did, doesn't tell me about all the human interaction along the way, and if I'm buying, I want to get involved emotionally in how that will feel for me.

    What I really want to know is not what the website looks like, but the difference it;'s going to make to the way my business performs. Show me that so I can almost taste it, and I'm all yours!

    Hope this helps.
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi Shirin

    i have seen your site and the taglines that you have in mind. ChrisB has asked some really valid question regarding those taglines. and i also agree to Katheleens points.

    IMHO, whatever the tagline you choose, the same message must be conveyed thru' your website. and Dennish has comvered what needs to be done for your website very well.

    having said that, how about these taglines...

    "Next Step e-Solutions"--Ensuring Increased web-ROI

    "Next Step e-Solutions"--Generating Proven ROI

    "Next Step e-Solutions"--Delivering ROI thru' Website

    (for these above, in the site, at least, you mention some facts of your exisiting clients in terms of their increased business based on hits and successful conversion)

    of the taglines you have mentioned the following one i prefer.

    "Next Step e-Solutions"--Step Up to Real Results.

    then again, even for this tagline show the difference in results of web site before and after implementation thru' short sales-pitch-style case study on your site.

    hope this helps.

  • Posted on Member
    Next Step e-Solutions. Run. Don't walk.

  • Posted on Member
    How about:

    Next Step e-Solutions
    Perfection or bust.


    Lucky Guppy Marketing
  • Posted by browncatfan on Member
    Next Step e-Solutions.
    Get a Website with a warranty.

    Next Step e-Solutions.
    More net profit from Internet marketing.

    Next Step e-Solutions.
    Websites that don't just sit there.

    Next Step e-Solutions.
    A darned site better.

    Next Step e-Solutions.
    It's where the Web works.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Tons of great input! My only question is "What is that next step?

    I like V-man's comments. What people want are results. If you're saying that the NEXT STEP is better results, you'd better tell them. A guarantee "The only performanced based web developement company" gets attention.


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