
Topic: Taglines/Names

Pls Suggest Name For Saria (tmt And Tor Steel Bars

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
i am running a steel unit which produces csd and tmt steel bars ( saria ). pls suggest the name for the same.its better if name starts from t or should be unique and attractive and should also define the product.
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    A little more detail would be useful .. are you talking about a name for "Corrugated Steel Deck", is there anythig unique about your product? any emotional values from buyers?

    The more detail you can provide the greater the help here will be :-)
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    CSD might be termed Nvirodeck to make it sound as if it can be used to create a good environmentally friendly building...

    Or TerraDeck if it fits in with the land...

    As for steel bars...

    Tuff-Bar implies strength

    NviroBar sounds like it might be good for buildings...

    Really you need to give us a few more clues about how you want to market these products, who might buy them, what they might be used for.

    Hope this helps anyway.


  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Accepted
    hi nitin

    how about these...


    "Tuff Steel"

    "Strong Steel aka SS"

    "Strong Bar Steel aka SBS"

    hope that helps.

  • Posted on Member
    Hi Nitin. Before suggesting the name i would i like to know what part of India your market is? If the market you cater to is strongly defined by linguistic charactreistic then a very local name would benefit. If you are looking for a more global name then something like Hippo, Supersteel, etc would fit.

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