
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline/sub-title Help For Virtual Tour Company

Posted by Anonymous on 1250 Points
I am looking for some help/ideas for a tagline or sub-title to use for our company. I am looking to have the logo re-done and would like to include a tagline.
We provide fully interactive virtual tours. Our clients run the gamut from a single realtor marketing a house to a billion dollar manufacturing facility. Our company prides itself on the quality of work that we produce. When you first mention"Virtual Tour" too many people picture the hatchet jobs that you see in 95% of the MLS listings done with a $150 point and click digital camera. We producs high definiton 360 degree interactive tours using professional photographers and equipment. Hope the details help. Any and all help will be appreciated. Thanks in advance.

Company name is: VirtualVue, LLC
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  • Posted by adammjw on Member

    Do you have an operating website?It would definitely help to see it first then come up with some ideas as to best enhance your offering.
    As your company name already features Virtual so inevitably it evokes such images you mention.Therefore I would concentrate more on what you want to achieve i.e. genuine and true rather than virtual meaning not real and fast and effective rather than time-consuming.Hence my thoughts focus on:

    True-to-life tours
    Tours spot on
    No hassle true-to-life tours



  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Accepted
    Some clues about your existing branding, even a link to your website would be very helpful. A tagline is difficult to suggest in isolation. But here goes anyway:

    - Tour your world from their desktop in high-definition

    - Your world, all over, high-def, hi-fidelity

    - Cyber tours. On tap 24/7. 100% reality, guaranteed experience

    - Keep it real.

    - Anything else just seems ordinary.

    - Twenty-five years from now, they'll still wonder how we did it so well.

    - Convince them like Orson Welles did.

    - Now try to tell them it's just a computer model!

    Hope something there helps!

  • Posted by browncatfan on Member
    Here are a few quick ones, since you're in a hurry. Maybe more later:

    Not just a tour-- a Virtual Visit.

    Getting your INSIDE story OUT!

    How to "bring in" customers.

    You don't just SEE it, you FEEL it.

    A better product. A better look.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    You have gotten some great ideas here. I doubt that I can add a lot right now, but I do have some suggestions/questions.

    First, exactly who is your target audience? And what critical need or burning desire do they have that you can satisfy better than anyone else? You need to hone a positioning statement or value proposition that is unique and compelling for your primary target audience. That should come BEFORE your tagline.

    Second, how are you going to decide on which tagline to use? What are the evaluation criteria? How will you know when the right name shows up? If you don't know that, it's going to be almost impossible for us to come up with on-strategy lines.

    The process of coming up with a great tagline starts with a well-crafted positioning statement directed at a well-defined target audience. Let's work on those first.
  • Posted by zapprabbit on Member
    Not much to offer at this stage but...

    I guess the main reason to use VR tours is to save you and your customers time in travel and meetings. The VR tour gives a sneak preview of the environment before committing to the time taken out to visit the actual location.

    It's a bit like 'moving the mountain to Mohammed' and thats not a suggested tag line by the way.

    "more time less travel"

    "Real Estate, Real Time, Real Easy"

    thats all for now, but if anything pops in my head..
  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi there

    great response from experts, specially Micheal. do give a thought on those factors.

    anyway, my 2 cents on tagline are....

    "Step into your Dream"

    "Make Your Real Before It Becomes a Reality"

    "See it, Feel It, Make your Dream a Reality"
    (since your edge is good quality virtual tour)

    "Make your Future match your Dream"

    "Experience Your Future"
    (taking cue from your edge of HD tyours)

    "Experience Your Future Before it Becomes Reality"

    "Making Mountain out of Miniature"
    (taking cue from the proverb, since all you do is virtual)

    hope that helps.

  • Posted by browncatfan on Member
    Okay, a couple more:

    A more-attractive interactive.

    A higher-quality product to show off YOURS.

    Not picture-takers. Impression-makers.

    Don't just show it--show it off!

    Theirs are more like postcards; ours are more like movies.

    VIrtual Tours with higher quality all the way around!
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "virtually the real thing"
    "reality now"
    "3D Reality"
    "incredible interactive virtul tours"
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "incredible interactive virtual tours"

    Would help if I can spell!
  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Matthew - couple more ideas:

    "Around the world in 80 clicks" (or nanoseconds, or whatever...)

    Or this:

    A picture's worth a thousand words.
    A 360-degree virtual tour?

    (With apologies to a well-known credit card brand)

    Hope that helps...


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