
Topic: Taglines/Names

Mortgage Lending Slogans

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am in the mortgage lending industry and looking for your assistance with advertising slogans. My company name is " Solano Mortgage", in addition to my individual marketing, I have also teamed up with a realtor. Would greatly appreciate your assistance or suggestions you may have.
Many thanks to all,
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  • Posted on Accepted
    Can you provide more specifics?
    Geographic location, any areas of specialty- Conventional subrime etc.
    What is your unique selling proposition...
    There are so many BS slogans in the mortgage industry and I think consumers respond with ....yeah right...

    You might try backing up your slogan with a guarantee ..put your money where your mouth is... it may add weight to your many mortgage people overpromise and reality it's a complex business and underwriters rule the world...I've so many brokers get the deal done BUT LOSE THE REFERRALS because they over promised and under delivered..unless you have an "A" paper, full doc situation...over promising can kill your referral business because in reality the mortgage process is emotionally terrifying for most people.

    I think a slogan that is "disarmingly honest" will do more to establish credibility on the front and set your clients expectations, so that when the bumps come they will be expecting that, you told them so...but they'll also remember that you promised to walk them through the minefields in a realistic and professional way.

    With more details I can meditate on this better...

    Heres a shot:
    Solano Mortgage
    "With you...every step of the way"
    Something on this line-doesn't promise perfection, acknowledges what the prospect already knows "that this will be emotionally challenging" but reaffirms them that Youll Be There. Thers another "Solano Mortgage- We'll Be There"

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