
Topic: Taglines/Names

Funky Name For Floating Grill

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Need help with name for new floating grill (restaurant). It is a small barge which will not be permanently morred but will travel to the hottest spots within the area. It will serve tourists and beach goers along the Florida coast. We will be serving simple food and drinks (hamburgers, chicken and such) but no alcohol. I want something fun to accentuate the name "The Barge and Grill" but need help. We have thought about "The Blue Grouper Barge and Grill" but are undecided (we won't be serving seafood, does that matter?). I would like the graphics to be colorful and tropical-ish. I definately want funky and fun. Any ideas?
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  • Posted on Accepted
    The Bobbing Burger
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    "The lagoon grill"
    "The floating grill"
    "The floating flame"
    "Riptide Grill"

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