
Topic: Taglines/Names

Descriptive Biz Name For Car Shopping Service?

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
I am thinking of starting a side gig. In the last 2 months, I have put 6 people I know into new cars. They just seem to find me. My brother, neighbor, & best friend have all utilized my skills. They fit into a sizable category. That is, those that despise the entire process of purchasing a car.

I am an expert in the field due to the fact that I have studied the industry since I was mere lad. I have also relied on car sales in the lean times. It was always my version of the 'temp job'. Therefore, I understand the transaction from both sides of the table.

I need to try to find a way to express the uniqueness of the approach. That is, I am not a broker, I am not a buying service, I do not link to websites. I am a personal shopper that will take you by the hand and connect you with a competent sales person who will educate you on the particular vehicle. I will help negotiate the best trade, ensure the best financing option, and be there when the fun "the box"!

Most internet shoppers feel that they are done when they have their offer accepted. That is actually where the fun begins. Finance rates, warranties, after sale items can all ruin a perfectly good deal. That is why they call it "the box".

I want to be the "bodyguard". I want to be the negotiator, the personal shopper, the technical expert. I want only the clientele that feels physical revulsion at the prospect of having to talk to half a dozen car salesmen. The client that is not worried about pennies, but dollars, and will pay for a good experience. The person who knows that they can't haggle. Won't haggle. They are also genuinely interested in finding a good dealer, with a good service dept.

What is my name? What is my tagline? It is hard to be unique in this market segment. I think every iteration of car/auto/moto/pro/expert/tech has been done to death. What would appeal to the financially independent woman (One who would rather get a bikini wax than ask her dad/bro/boyfriend for help in buying a car)? Or the busy professional for whom time is literally money. Or the two income couple who would rather spend the time with the kids.

Thank for your creative ideas. In this case, less is more!
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  • Posted by adammjw on Member

    First off thank you for very-well structured question.You do not see it too often.
    The main two problems I see are following:
    1.raising the awareness that car buying process does not end with price approval
    2. identifying your target groups and their needs.As you pointed out the desire for a hassle-free buying experience can be of different nature depending on the target group i.e.
    -embarassement to ask somebody assistance
    -no time to play the buying game
    -other priorities
    So ideally you have to address these two issues.First off give people sort of white papers showing the whole buying process along with enumerated pitfalls-good if case studies are cited as examples.Next thing is to address people already in the know who could see case by case how you can and will facilitate the great car-buying experience.To make your offer even more compelling you should think of some warrnties for your clients in case your service fails to bring promised fruit.
    Now the name and tagline I will give it a shot and certainly you will receive plent of good ideas from other colleagues.

    Some Names&taglines:

    Fun car-buying
    CarBuyer's Friend
    Hassle-free carshopper
    Rely-on-me carshopping experience
    No-stress car purchase
    Easy buy-carefree drive
    You control the car, we control the hassle
    Taking the hassle out of the carbuying experience


  • Posted by michael on Member
    The Salesman Shield
    "Protecting you from Pressure"
  • Posted by chough on Member
    Your friendly, professional car buying expert.

    Buying a car? AutoMate the process!

  • Posted by chough on Member
    On reflection, AutoMate is not very ownable… it needs a little more honing - AutoM8?
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    What a great word-of-mouth business! Wish you were in Houston. I could use you right now.

    Why do you need a company identity, really? Sounds to me like you need a big fat box of business cards with your name and phone number on them. A simple tagline or mission statement is the only other thing I'd add. Something like...

    D. Willis
    The zero-agony car shopping guy.

    I'm betting that 99% of your customers will come from referrals, so don't overthink this, if you know what I mean.

    If you're planning to form a business entity for tax reasons, you can use something dull and generic and never actually promote the name. Just tell the customer to make the check to Acme Car Shopping, or Willis Consulting, or Zero Agony or whatever.

    A sidenote: Buy a stack of gift certificates from a local hand carwash place, then send them to the people who send you referrals. With a handwritten thank-you note, of course. ;]
  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted

    Buyer's Buddy

    Car Buyer's Best Friend

    A Buddy in the Business

    Buyer's Butler

    Haggler's Helper


    Pain-Free Car Shopping

    Don't get taken. Take me.

    Because I know a great deal.

    Buy a car without the chaos.

    Car buying without the conflict.

    You drive. I deal.

    Never buy a car "unprotected' again!

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi Dwillis

    i second Shelley. all you need is a handful of business card and hit the road. plus i love the tagline she has given, awesome

    some names .....

    "The Wills Car (aka D Wills Car)"

    "The Hassle-Free Car Buying Guide"
    "The 360 Degree Car Shopping Guy"

    hope that helps.


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