
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline - Mobile Telecommunications Consultancy

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Ladies & Gents,

great site you have here! Been following it a while to get the feel of it, and the feeling is good! Hence my contribution to the Questions-section.

Looking for a nice idea/approach for the Tagline for our company.

Basics first:
1. Company Name: infiniCom
-The most logical www-address is not ours!
2. Country: Australia
3. Main Business:
-Providing professional consultancy services for Mobile Phone Value Added Services (VAS) sector (VAS=all the sexy things next to the core talk-phone-2-phone mobile network ie Billing+Admin+Voice/Fax/Unified Messaging + SMS + MMS + etc etc)
->Creating/evaluating initial specifications/tenders/offers for VAS services
->Complete Project Management for VAS projects
->Product Management (In what way the various VASproducts can be combined to create max outcomes/something new)
->Business Planning (What/when/how/why transactions can be billed and should they be billed)

Target Customers:
-Mobile Telcos;
-Companies developing/providing Mobile VAS-solutions;
-Companies that utilise existing Mobile VAS-solutions and wish to get more out of them (as End-Users);
-Companies that develope new applications interacting/interconnecting/utilising existing Mobile VAS-solutions;
-NOT for Mr. & Mrs. Doe on the street asking how to use phone to send SMS or how to change ring tone.

One of our main benefits:
Our mobile telecom background is strongly connected to Europe, and the fact is that European Mobile Telco Services are somewhat ahead of Australian ones. Meaning that we are in prime position to really bring new value-added service ideas/concepts to Australia.

With the tagline, for some odd reason, I personally like something along the lines/style:
-Mobile Future. Now.
-Creating Mobile Value.

Not sure whether to use word "mobile" or "wireless" in the tagline. Mainly because (I think) the word "wireless" here in Australia is mostly connected with wireless computer networks etc, and not with actual mobile phones and related mobile phone value added services.

Thanks for reading this all the way!

Cheers for now
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  • Posted by ReadCopy on Accepted
    "Evaluate, Plan, Manage"
    "Mobile, welcome to the future"
    "Adding true value"

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