
Topic: Taglines/Names

A Great Theme For My Piano Retail Sales Company

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
Hello everyone, and thanks in advance for your help. I'm coming up with theme line for my family's piano company (retail sales), Graves Piano & Organ, My father started the company over 40 years ago and has never come up with a concise theme line, or even a solid logo or meme!!

We're a large piano dealer in our region, but in my opinion, we don't have enough raving, happy customers, and our business is being bit into by competitors with only lower prices, but not near the experience and expertise - we need a major marketing overhaul. I'm starting with a great theme line and logo, and a new focus on customer satisfaction and follow-ups. Anyhow, here's the details I have for creating my theme line/meme (logo):

*Our pridepoints are in smiling friendly sales staff, a focus on family values, and a strong name in our local community.
*We have the largest selection of our product in the entire midwest region
*Family-owned, operated, and oriented company, with an emphasis on selling to parents with children.
*We sell only the highest-quality pianos, and we don't have the lowest prices, but we have a potentially very powerful name in our industry if we marketed and branded like pros..

Anyway, Some things I"m working with right now:
-under one roof
-in tune with your needs
-the best music made by smiling customers
-modern pianos, old-fashioned service
-knowing when to listen
-comfort of buying a piano and the comfort of home
-music and children, a key to future success (seems cheesy to me - key as in piano key)

I know, this is alot to work with, perhaps why my mind is so tired! I don't want anything cheesy and that's what I feel is all I'm coming up with on this. Any ideas, no matter what they are would be appreciated.

Kindest Regards,
Paul Graves Jr.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I'd focus on things/themes like...

    "Bringing music to families for 40 years"
    "Bringing music to homes for 40 years"
    "We make music with your family" (not my favorite)
    "The best of music for your family"

    Actually, those examples focus on the store. It might be better to focus on the customer by shifting the emphasis slightly...

    "Bring music to your kids, your home, your life"
    "Bring the best of music to your family"

    You've already got piano in the biz name, so it doesn't need repeating in the tagline. And I don't know about the SMILE bit. Sounds too damn happy to me. ;]
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    I really like Ari's first idea... or a variation:

    "Own a family heirloom everyone can play with."

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