
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name And Tagline For A Marketing Consulting Company

Posted by Anonymous on 500 Points
Hey all

Hope u r doin great.

yes i am back again with another question. Its about the marketing consulting agency we far we were working through networks and without any particular name.

But now the four of us have decided to have the name and tagline and make a real company.

So we ahd a long brainstorming session and came up with the following brand name:


yes i know it is the same as a team as apprentice but we really liked it as it goes very well with our concept

we are providing them the service and they are paying for it. which means its the networth we are adding to them.

so thats our business.

now the problem this name do not support "marketing"- the work area of us.

And we have decided that our full name will be either

networth consultants or networth consulting.

that means i need a gud tagline to tell them that my objective is marketing solutions.

now its open to u...give us a tagline or some gud ideas.

u can also suggest other names with taglines as well.

but remember one thing:


i think its clear to u as the name itself isnt funky.

we want to have a professional yet intelligent tagline which will make them ask us explanation.

what do u think? am i going to get help from u?

counting on u guyz.
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    Colleen makes the right point. You need to start with your positioning statement, even before you settle in on a name. And the "Networth" name will probably be off-strategy for a marketing consulting firm.

    Re-read Colleen's second paragraph and answer the questions before going any further. Without those, we're really shooting in the dark ... trying to explain a name that isn't quite right and communicate a unique benefit we don't fully understand.

    I really recommend you get a copy of Rasputin For Hire : An inside look at management consulting between jobs or as a second career, and read it carefully before you go any further. It has the collected wisdom of more than 20 consultants and former consultants -- at least half of them in marketing/sales disciplines. There's a lot of good stuff in the book that will save you from going down some blind alleys and delaying your success.

    You can get the book at or, through most bookstores in the US, or online at . At that website you can preview the table of contents, introduction and chapter 1, and you can take a short self-assessment that will talk about the prerequisites for becoming a successful consultant.

    I'd urge that you spend some time up-front doing the business and marketing planning/thinking before you start implementing (and selecting a name/tagline, etc.). In the long run -- and maybe even the short-run -- those few extra months up-front will be well worth the time, effort, and money they take. I've been there and I know it from experience -- my own and that of dozens of others who shared their experience with me for the book.

    Good luck. I'm not trying to discourage you at all. In fact, I'm hoping you reflect back on this in a year or two and say this was the best advice you received. I'll be quite surprised if the others on this forum don't concur.
  • Posted by koen.h.pauwels on Member
    I do think 'marketing' should be in your name, as in 'networth marketing consultants', because 'networth consultants' just seems to vague... I agree with Colleen that a positioning statement should come first. As for the tagline 'marketing to grow your net worth'

  • Posted by michael on Member
    I would revisit the Networth name. If the Trump organization can make money off your success (saying you stold the name from their show) they will!

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi Sadique

    i second the experts that the name confuses as a Financial/Auditing firm, also what kinda problem you are going to solve.

    anyway how about these taglines....

    "Maximize Your Marketing Networth"

    "Maximize Your Marketing Returns"

    "Maximize Your Marketing Investments"

    "Marketing Expertise to Maximize ROI"

    hope that helps.

  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi Sadique

    how about replacing "Maximize" with "Augmenting".

    i believe that word has NOT been used that much in Bangladesh.


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