
Topic: Taglines/Names

Updating Company Name. Any Suggestions?

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We are a small company specializing in jewellery accessories. We are about to release our debut collection consisting of jewellery made with mother of pearl, seed pearls, and sterling silver findings. Our jewellery has been described as delicate yet obviously distinctive.
We are two adventurous girls with big goals in this company. Our one and only problem is we are having trouble coming up with a name for our company which describes our down to earth choice of materials and stimulating personalities.
Words that describe our jewellery: Bold, edgy, unique, experimental, timeless…..
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    More important than your product is your primary target market and what they want/need, how they make their purchase decisions, what they look for when they consider jewelry, where they like to shop, etc., etc.

    Marketing isn't about pushing your stuff on the world. It's about identifying and satisfying an unmet customer need. How do you distribute your merchandise? Who are the retailers? Or are you selling direct? (If so, there is a whole 'nother level of consideration -- your retail positioning.)

    The name is clearly important, but it's not nearly as important as your positioning and overall marketing strategy. Why don't you share what you know about your target audience and your business/marketing strategy, and perhaps we'll be able to come up with a name that communicates the positioning in a way that will really work for you with the target audience.

    Sounds like you have the enthusiasm and energy, but you may need a dose of marketing discipline in order to make this a commercial success.
  • Posted by michael on Accepted
    Wish I could tell you a great name will mean more sales, but it's still about marketing your jewelry to the right target market. Who is the right person for this line?

    Some companies develop their entire strategy before even coming up with a name (internally they'll refer to it as "X-Biz" or something just to get employees excited) and others start with a name.

    The beauty of the first approach is you're ready to go once you have the name. The second approach can cause you to make rash marketing decisions and then feel like you made a mistake when sales don't come right away.

    That said, I'd go with "T.A.G." (as in Two Adventurous Girls). This lends itself to:
    A husband "tagging" his wife.
    T.A.G. lines newletters

    E-mail me if you'd like to explore more.

  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    Hi, I'd suggest a simple catchy one word name like 'PRECIOUS" or "Treasures" "jealous" or "avarice"
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    You want your jewellry to create a stir. A woman wearing your jewellry might create a stir. Two adventurous girls definitely create a stir.

    Call the company Stir!

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