
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need A Tag Line For Counseor

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I am starting a private practice. I am a counselor who is licensed, nationally certified and am trained in EMDR. First EMDR is an amazing therapy that uses bilateral stimulation (usually eye movements) to help people heal from small and large scale traumas, anxiety, phobias. This has remarkable results with PTSD victims including rape victims and abuse (physical, sexual, emotional) survivors. I am also offering parent coaching this is psycho educational counseling to help parents become the best parents they can and have a enjoyable calm life with their children. I will also be offering traditional counseling for children, adolescents and adults.
I live in NW PA, EMDR will be my main focus since I'm one of few therapist who can do this. EMDR is well known in larger areas but not in PA; this will help and hurt me :) However, I don't want the tagline to be just EMDR since I'm also offering other services. I need something that offers trust, confidence, healing, support that type of thing (see why I'm comming to you guys?). I'm so excited to have found this site as I'm thrilled with the solutions I've seen. I'm sure you need more info so ask away and I'll be back on tonight. Thanks :)
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  • Posted by mgoodman on Member
    The first question is, "Why do you need/want a tagline?" What do you think it will do for you? What's the objective?

    I think a tagline has the potential to oversimplify your benefit promise. This is probably a service that requires a brochure and/or a website with multiple layers of explanation. Some people will want 3 or 4 bullet points, while others will want to read a white paper and/or do their own [Internet] research. You may also want a professional presentation of some kind so you can efficiently and effectively communicate what you do one-on-one or in small groups.

    You probably also need to include a heavy PR component in your marketing plan. Give lots of talks and write lots of articles, educate your target market, and include as many trigger words as you can to appeal to the people who need your services most.

    Sorry about not jumping onto the tagline bandwagon, but I'm concerned that a tagline could make you sound a little less professional. What led you to "tagline" as the solution to a problem? (And what was that problem?)

    Also, what kinds of services will the non-EMDR portion of your practice be? What heading would you be listed under in the Yellow Pages?
  • Posted on Author
    This is so great! Just what I needed, thanks for the help folks keep it comming:)
    Responses: Mccarthy-I like the hope part, maybe I am making this to complicated.
    mgoodman: I've got a brochure (two actually 1 EMDR & one other) have a seminar and am having a website created. I was thinking a tagline for business cards, newsletters, yellow pages and such. The other services will be the parent coaching and individual counseling session noted.
    Thaks again for all of your thoughts and work!
  • Posted on Author
    The name is going to just be my name "Richelle Sheehan MA, LPC, NCC" most of the counselors areound here just do that.
  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    If I were you, I'd try to get the benefit into the name of the practice. Examples: Center for Hope, A New Day, etc.

    Your name only means something to you. Anyone else looking at it would have to wonder what it is you do, what benefits you promise, and what that alphabet soup is after your name.

    And I still would be very careful about having a tagline. It has the potential to make you sound like a huckster or a New Age charlatan. (Nothing against New Age, just against the people who would exploit something so well-intentioned.) If you give the practice a benefit-oriented name, you might not need a tagline.

    Also, if/when you have a great website that gives people the education they need to understand and appreciate EMDR, the best thing you can do is refer people to the website. Just be sure the domain name is the same as the benefit-oriented name you pick for your business.
  • Posted on Author
    I'm not doing a name since the two people I'm sharing an office (we share the same waiting room) with are already established and just use their name. I thought our board and windows would look funny with:

    John Smith LPC, CAC
    Henry Jones Licensed Psychologist
    Center for Hope

    My space is pretty small a 10 X 15 office so I didn't think it would really work for me to have a big name. However I am open to thoughts from more experienced people than I. Now would be the time to convince me to change since I have not sent my cards and such to print.
    Thanks again for all your help :)
  • Posted on Author
    Hey folks, I'm getting requests to close the question but I'd really like more advice.....
    Should I have a business name even though my office mates use their own names? Does anyone else think a tagline is cheap for a counselor? I know everyone is busy but I'd love any help you have to offer. Thanks again :)
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    I think you should stick with your moniker on the door.

    Here's a tagline:
    Hope and healing for parents and other victims.

    Just kidding. ;]

    Seriously, I like the idea of mentioning parents in the tagline. Maybe your tagline could be a super-short list, like:
    "Coaching for parents. Healing for victims. Confidence for life."

    Good luck!

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