
Topic: Taglines/Names

South Florida Realtor

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hi Experts,
I'm about one year new into residential real estate; I'm looking for some unique ideas for a tagline and branding of myself. I have a very unique name (Zoi), so I plan on integrating this into my campaign and possibly my tag line. I deal with both sellers and buyers, but prefer sellers. My background is as follows bilingual (a plus in so. Fla) owned and managed a chemical redistribution company for 12 years, mother of three boys and family oriented. I'm doing well in Real Estate but I feel this is a must in order to stay rise above the competition. I would like to unique but stay professional at the same time. Thanks, Zoi
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Do you specialize in a particular residential area? Maybe you can include that in your slogan. Something like...

    "Zoi knows South Beach, A to Z."

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