
Topic: Taglines/Names

Tagline For A Flavour Brand

Posted by Anonymous on 50 Points
We are a flavour manufacturing co, supplying food flavours to various industries like bakeries, confectioneries, beverages, oils & fats, latex, pharmaceuticals and etc. The employees work in this company with passion and as if it was their own company.

Branding is one of our future projects which we would like to undertake. We are at the point of getting some catchy taglines for our brand.

Can't seem to come up with any good ones...
Any ideas?
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  • Posted by chough on Accepted
    Passionate about Good Taste

    We make the world taste better

    Activate your senses!

    Fresh thinking about flavour.

    Making a difference you can taste!

    Pep up your products!

    the tounge tinglers

    With gusto!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Your real product is improved sales and reputation for your customers. Your flavourings will sell more cakes, breads, ... than someone else's for them.

    In my view, your tagline should emphasise distinctive or memorable or want that taste again.


    Taste of success.

    Unforgettable. (cue Nat King Cole)

    That kind of thing - oldschool taglines are about you, newschool taglines are about your customer.

    On another tack, what is your customer's problem? Consistency comes to mind - if a key value is same taste every time (think McDonalds) then meesage should be around reliability.

    The right message is as (more) important as sounding cool.

  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Tastes. Better.

    We add "wow."

    Life without us is tasteless.

    On the tip of everyone's tongue.

    We make life taste better.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Okay, if you're not selling to moms or kids, most of the taglines already suggested won't work very well.

    Thinking how your flavorings will benefit the businesses who actually use it...

    "The ingredient your customers will crave."
    "Making your products taste perfect."
    "The good company of flavor."

    Does that help? Hope so.

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