
Topic: Taglines/Names

Name For Bbq Catering Biz - Assigned More Points

Posted by Anonymous on 1000 Points
We are assigning more points to this question in an attempt to get more responses.

We are forming a new BBQ catering Biz in San francisco /Bay Area.

We need help finding a name for our new biz

Business will be onsite BBQ catering for corporate companies/busineses/personal parties.

Our background is in doing Competition BBQs, and now we are starting our own businesses..

We are two guys who love bbqing and we are actually neighbors too.

Our staple is the bbq, but we are capable of doing finer cuisine.

We thought of the name
Long Board BBQ Company
Long Boards BBQ Company

The reason we came up with that name is that we are going with a surfer theme. Ie "Long Board is type of surf board" that is for causual laid back surfing.

We want to convey hte "laid back/california bbq gurus" concept in our name

Thats jsut one idea, but we are open to different names.

thanks in advance for your response
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  • Posted by Mushfique Manzoor on Member
    hi soreizy

    how about these names...

    "Sizzlerz BBQ"

    "Sizzling BBQ"

    "Hammock BBQ" (taking cue from the laid back nature of hammock)

    "BBQ Tonight"

    "Young-Night BBQ" (taking cue from saying, 'night is still young')

    hope that helps.

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    I kind of like "Long Board BBQ Company." It's casual enough to convey the image and memorable for your corporate market.

    The words themselves are clear and simple. Even if someone doesn't know the surfing term, they can form a mental image of LONG, BOARD, and BBQ. It also lends itself nicely to a professionally-designed logo.

    The benefit, in this case, is the basic appeal of BBQ and the tone/imagery of the experience you deliver. What you'll have to do in any marketing materials/website is ensure that the tone is professional and reassuring for your target audience. You don't want to come across as a couple of surfer bums who may or may not show up and deliver the contracted services.

    Nice idea. Hope this helps.

    P.S. Don't forget the business and marketing plans. Lots of details you'll need to deal with when starting a business like this one. You don't want to encounter any show-stoppers after you spend lots of your valuable time and money getting it off the ground.
  • Posted by michael on Member
    Can the finer cuisine come in a laid back setting or do you need to clarify that with a tagline of "Tides of service", "Waves of choices" ..something like that?

  • Posted by Deremiah *CPE on Member
    Great job everybody,

    Soreizy I think you've got a great possiblity for a name but as I was sitting here underneath my hammock in lovely St. Charles, Illinois it dawned on me that you need something evocative, something that's going to make people think good emotional thoughts and something that's going to compel them to spend their money. Now if you want something from one Grill master to another you need to at least seriously consider the names I've thought long and hard about. Here you go. The first name can be said seriously, sarcastically or said like you're asking a question.

    Those 2 Guys BBQ

    Those 2 Guys BBQ?

    2 Guys BBQ

    2 Grillmeisters

    Boardlong BBQ

    Grilled BBQ Surfin

    Surf's Up BBQ

    High Tide BBQ

    Ride The Bone BBQ

    Ride The Wave BBQ

    Now here's a great one for leaving a mental picture of all you'll see after clients visit your tasty meat droppin from the bone BBQ joint, restaurant or cafe.

    Nuthin' But Bones BBQ

    I like that one. Is there anything else I can do for you Soreizy?

    Your Servant, Deremiah, *CPE (Customer Passion Evangelist)

    C-ookin' P-igs E-mphatically
  • Posted on Member
    I enjoyed reading everyone elses answers.

    Just some fun ideas:

    -We Be Two Barbeque
    -Back Bone BBQ
    -Barbeque Shack
    -We’d Be Grilling (instead of chilling)

    The Noodle

  • Posted by chough on Member
    (Beach Boyz Barbecue & Beyond)

    I can see a really funky surfer style logo with all the B's, Don't know if you can get away with Beach Boyz though... maybe drop a B and go for Beachcombers?



    LOVE to play with a logo for you!
  • Posted by browncatfan on Member
    Curly Q's BBQ

    Right on Q BBQ

    Board Rack BBQ

    Racked Up BBQ

    Back Rack BBQ

    Surfin' Up Great BBQ!

    Surf Supper BBQ

    Pipe Dream BBQ

  • Posted on Member
    Along the friend/neighbors theme:
    Neighbors' BBQ
    Buddies' BBQ
    The Pit BBQ
    Smokehouse BBQ
    Gatherings BBQ

    Along the beachy theme:
    Open Sky BBQ
    Sand Dune BBQ
    Sandcastle BBQ
    Sandbar BBQ

    Along the "meat, meat and more meat" theme:
    Caveman BBQ
    Carnivore BBQ

    Hope this helps!


    Lucky Guppy Marketing

  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    I like Jim's suggestion of BoneYard BBQ.

    One more:
    SmokeWave BBQ

    WAY out there:
    Flying Saucer BBQ (get it? sauce?)

    Okay, my final answer:
    Belly Rub BBQ

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