
Topic: Taglines/Names

Need Tagline Help For Basement Remodeling Company

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
We have a basement designing and remodeling company that is doing quite well. The business name is "Just Basements". Can you offer any unique and/or clever ideas for a tagline? Thank you in advance!
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  • Posted on Member
    Just Basements...for something more under your floor.

    I'm sure you can do better, but I couldn't resist. Good luck!
  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Give your basement a boost!

    GIve yourself a basement to look up to!

    When the basement's finished, the fun begins!

    Adding style to the cellar.

    Because an unfinished basement is beneath you!

    We make downstairs delightful!

    Make your basement a thing of beauty.

    Don't waste the space. Spruce up the place!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Livable space is right at home.
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Member
    Just Basements - For cellar achievements. (Sorry, couldnt' resist...)

    Just Basements - The under-floor experts.

    Just Basements - The cellar specialists.

    Just Basements - We build better basements.

    Just Basements - Repair, design and rennovation.

    Just Basements - Improving your bottom line.

    Just Basements - Quality work at guaranteed prices.

    It's hard to know which direction to go in without knowing your USP (Unique Selling Proposition). What is it that your company does differently or better? Is it price, quality, speed, guarantee, knowledge, specialization, qualifications/licensing? It's nice for a tagline to be cute, but it should also reinforce your brand.

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