
Topic: Taglines/Names

How To Brand My Products

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
I am an owner of restaurants in Indonesia and looking for cool and catchy brands for my menu. Any ideas on how to brand chicken menu.


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  • Posted on Accepted
    Branding is generally not based on a type of food like chicken. It is a marketing position your restaurant would take to make it stand apart from other similar businesses who are your competitors. I would need to know who your competitors are and why you are different, unique, and/or better than they are. Your brand will tell me, as a potential customer, why I should go to your restaurant and not the one across the street who might be cheaper or running a coupon campaign.
    Thanks, Debi Brady
    Technical Writing & Marketing Consultant
  • Posted by Ghost Writer on Member
    What is the name of your restaurant? What style food does it serve? What is different/better about your restaurant compared to your competitors? What kind of atmosphere are you trying to create?

    Without answers to those kinds of basic questions, it is pointless to propose names for your dishes. The names should reflect your brand and its attributes.

    So - more information, please!

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