
Topic: Taglines/Names

Realtors Tag Line Needed!

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
I discovered your site by typying my question into google & was pleased to find such unique & proffesional responses to a similiar question.

I am attempting to develop a tagline/logo for our Real Estate firm.
1.What I've seen in most realtors ads are a constant explaination of how hard & difficult home buying/selling can be & how xyz agent will make it easier. For starters I feel that the a buyer thats constantly hearing how tough it's going to be is going to soon be convinced of this. It's my job to make it a non issue for the client & to get this point across in a positive rather than negative way.
2. I'm looking for something like:
"We'll sell your home like it's our Home".
However we are in the buying & selling market & it's just not hitting the mark.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance.
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Tell you what... why don't you use the Search Questions link on the right side of this page. Use the keyword ESTATE with the category Taglines/Names.

    Borrow some ideas from the dozens of Q&A threads that other "unique" real estate agents have already posted on the forum.
  • Posted on Member
    To SRyan: Good idea. I'm new to the site & not sure how it all works. I'll take a look.Thanks

    To Steve Papadoc: Your right if it's being used by the many firms out there it's probably working. In an attempt not "borrow" from someone in my immediate market I've avoided this .However your suggestion of looking outside my area is a good one. Thanks.

    In response to the point made "How important is it really"? Your right however I've read so many bios & marketing materials that focused on how tough buying & selling your home can be that I feel it's putting such a negative spin on it to the consumer ,not an approache I'm looking to take. Maybe it's not a tag line I'm looking for but a Mission Statement??
    Thanks again foryour advice!

    PS I LOVED the honest response of "Sign here,I'll take your $$ & never return your call"!

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