
Topic: Taglines/Names

Naming A Jewelry Business/handcrafted Jewelry

Posted by Anonymous on 250 Points
Hello, I live in SW Fl. and have created a wonderful hobby into a business by accident. All my friends are buying my handcrafted jewelry, so I would like to take it to the next level and create a name, an internet store, and retail outlet. Please help me come up with a name that would be unique and catchy. My name is Dorene, and I create jewelry using sterling silver, handmade lampwork beads and swarovski crystal. If you have any suggestions that would define my creations into the name of my business, I would love to hear from you. Thanks for your time! Dorene
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  • Posted on Member

    You will want to consider how your branding your particular line of jewelry and your target audience. For instance, if this is aimed at the new age market, the name and tagline would reflect it (say, Doreen's Divine Creations: You'll look simply divine with our jewels around your neck!)

    Good Luck, Debi Brady
  • Posted by ReadCopy on Member
    Doreen, welcome.

    Take a couple of minutes to search this forum (, this question has been asked a few times for jewelry businesses and generated some great names.

    Good Luck
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you Debi for your time and thoughts. I will take them into consideration. Most of my sales have been with my friends and their friends, so therefore, the age market so far is in the 40 to 50 year olds. I am also using mostly handmade lampwork beads, bali silver, and semi precious gem stones, so it is a higher end jewelry line. I also need to come up with a theme for the entire business; for example, since I live near the beach, do I include a tropical feel to the business name, despite the fact that my jewelry is not necessarily beach themed? Anyway, just food for thought! Thanks again, Dorene
  • Posted on Author
    Thank you AndrewS. I did check out some of these questions posed by others and they were interesting and somewhat helpful. I am not sure if I want to set up an ebay store for my items and there is much competition in this line, so I will think about this avenue!
  • Posted on Accepted
    ADORN - "Handcrafted Jewels by Dorene"

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