
Topic: Taglines/Names

I'm Helping A Furniture Store Find/present Itself

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
A furniture store that has a family name, has underone a variety of changes recently. The original owner has moved along, and now another family member is running it. It's not a full orginazational change or anything. They are reasonably established in the marketplace, but have never done a great job of branding a specific image. They want to stay away from sales and work toward the "Everyday low Prices" sort of messgae. Any good thoughts on positioning statements that say "everyday low pricing" without saying everyday low prices?
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  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    "More for your home. More for your dollar."
  • Posted on Member
    Here's a few thoughts . . .

    Fine furnishings at pleasant prices.

    Fill your home without emptying your bank account.

    Beautiful rooms at beautiful prices.

    Finally, you CAN have it all!

    Good luck!


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