
Topic: Taglines/Names

Layered Salad Tagline Required

Posted by Anonymous on 125 Points
We manufacture freshcut salad and fruit products for retail in the major supermarket chains. We have a new product to be launched this year that is a bowl salad. The bowl is a 4 serve salad suitable for entertaining, perfect as a side at a barbecue or party. The salad is built up in layers; a wet layer at the bottom which holds the dressing (italian, greek, asian, coleslaw etc) then a layer of dryslaw (shred carrot and cabbage), layers of other shredded vegetables, a layer of cooked pasta, a layer of salad leaves etc. Visually they are presented in a clear bowl with a tight sealed lid. The layers are clearly defined hence the name of the product being Layered Salad. We are looking for a tag line that indicates to the consumer that all they need to do is remove the lid and then turn the salad out onto a plate which allows the dressing to work its way through the salad ready for eating. The products are fresh and healthy and we expect mothers (or other primary grocery purchasers) to buy this product. They will fall into the mid to high socio economic group. So to wrap up these are healthy, convenient, fun salads, perfect for entertaining. The tagline HAS to indicate that the consumer needs to remove the lid and turn out the salad to allow the salad to be dressed ready for eating, including healthy and fun messages would be a plus. YOUR HELP WILL BE REWARDED WITH THE POINTS, many thanks!
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  • Posted on Member
    Coming up with a tag for the salad is not that difficult but including instructions on how the product works is quite a challenge!

    I've only managed to come up with these... for now:

    "Strip Off, Toss/Turn Over, Dig In!"

    "Brandname's Layered Salad - No Lid, Just Flip"

    "A Guide to Convenient Salad-Making: Off comes the lid, Over goes the bowl"

    "The Perfect Salad: Away with Lid and Flip the Bowl"

    Good Luck!
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Member
    Flip over the fresh flavor!
  • Posted by cread on Member
    Flip And Serve Salad

    Three Step Salad - 1. Remove Lid 2. Flip 3. Serve

    Upside down Salad - Flip and serve

    Four Layer salad - Flip and serve

    Its a pity that you couldn't package it in a bowl sold lid down so the consumer to serve would just set it upright take the lid off and serve. That way it would have its own seving bowl.

    Turn into bowl and serve
    Complete Salad - ready to flip and serve
    Dressed Layered Salad - Flip and served
    Ready to Serve Salad - Flip and Serve

    Or make the lid into a bowl so it is complete as sold for picnics and other outings as well as in the house. Attach a pair of plastic serving forks and label as complete salad and service.

    Stand salad on lid and serve
    Bowl, Serving Forks, Salad - GO

    Good Luck

  • Posted on Accepted
    Okay, here goes . .

    Strip, flip, ready in a zip!

    Ready in a zip - just strip and flip!

    Take off the top, flip over the bottom. It's that easy!

    Strip off the top, flip over the bottom. Ready!

    So convenient! Strip off the top, flip over the bottom!

    Toss the lid, not the salad! Just flip bottom and serve.

    Hope this helps!


  • Posted by Chris Blackman on Member
    Layered Salad
    Turnover. Serve. Enjoy!

    But... I've got to ask... You seriously put pasta in salad? Here in Australia pasta is a carbohydrate, not a salad item... It's supposed to be eaten hot, with some kind of sauce, not cold and clammy.

    I guess it's a low-cost filler, but I'd never buy it. Couldn't you put something else in there that's less, well, eewwww? Baby Spinach leaves? Beetroot? A Waldorf layer?

    Probably strayed right off-thread, but hope it helps anyway.

  • Posted by browncatfan on Accepted
    Turns salads upside down!

    First it flips. Then your guests do!

    Turn it over once, and your guests will flip!

    Just turn it out, and it turns out terrific!

    Bottoms up. Here's to great salad!

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