
Topic: Taglines/Names

I Need A Realtor Tagline

Posted by lydiagable on 250 Points
I just got my realtors license and need a tagline for my business cards/marketing materials. I have 15 years of marketing/sales experience (VP positions) with large consumer marketing scompanies. Copywriting has always been tough for me. I provide impeccible service, have high standards, negotiate well, am honest, professional and extremely dedicated and committed.

I am open to something rhyming with Gable as long as it is not corny. (Moving in Capable hands)

I appreciate your creativity.

Thank you in advance!

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  • Posted on Accepted
    I assume this is for residential real estate – is that correct?
    Here are a few ideas:

    A smooth move from start to finish

    The home of your dreams, from gatepost to gable

    We find the home of your dreams

    No-hassle home ownership

    Managing the details, one home at a time

    Helping you “get home”

    Finding the right house and making it home

    From house to home – guaranteed

    Your no-hassle castle

    Good luck!
  • Posted by lydiagable on Author
    Yes, this is for residential real estate.

    ccoldren- those are a really good start! They are certainly inspiring.

    For anybody else- Lets keep them coming!

    Thank you so much.
  • Posted by SRyan ;] on Accepted
    Realtors looking for taglines should read the responses on this earlier thread.
  • Posted on Accepted
    Ready. Willing. Gable.
  • Posted by lydiagable on Author
    I have read the many realtor threads- they are all excellent. I was wondering if there was something different because of my vast marketing experience.

    I really like:

    A smooth move from start to finish

    Managing the details, one home at a time

    Any thoughts?

    Thank you!
  • Posted on Member
    How do you envision your vast marketing experience making a different in your tagline?

    Graphically, yes. Promotionally, yes. But tying marketing to the tag?

    Are you think of primarily representing the seller instead of the buyer and that's where your marketing expertise would come in? In residential RE, most realtors play both sides of the street (uh, no pun intended).

    A tagline should reflect what you do and/or the benefit the customer receives. Marketing is a capability. You're selling real estate. I would recommend focusing on the feeling the customer gets, the benefit he/she receives.

    Buying a home is nerve-wracking.
    Focus on the "smooth move" OR "managing the details."

    Buying a home can be exciting.
    Focus on "A New home. A new adventure." OR "A home for your future."

    Good luck!

    Buying a home can mean security or contentment.
    Helping you "come home." OR "Your home. Your dreams." OR "No houses -- just home."

  • Posted by lydiagable on Author
    Great feedback ccoldren. I've been thinking and feel that my vast business experience of negotiating contracts, developing product/marketing plans by listening and conducting research and managing all the details of a launch are my real expertese. All these skills will be beneficial to both the listing and buyer side of real estate.

    What if we go down the path of

    "Real Estate as a Real Business"

    Are there any ideas/thoughts other taglines down that path?

    As always, Thank you!
  • Posted by lydiagable on Author
    Great feedback ccoldren. I've been thinking and feel that my vast business experience of negotiating contracts, developing product/marketing plans by listening and conducting research and managing all the details of a launch are my real expertese. All these skills will be beneficial to both the listing and buyer side of real estate.

    What if we go down the path of

    "Real Estate as a Real Business"

    Are there any ideas/thoughts or other taglines down that path?

    As always, Thank you!
  • Posted on Accepted
    Hmm. . . a few thoughts:

    Your home is my business.

    Bringing business sense to the homefront.

    Strong business. Happy homes.

    Hope these help!

  • Posted by mgoodman on Accepted
    The first thing we'll need to know is your intended positioning. Who is the primary target audience for your services? What is the single most important reason they should hire you (instead of a more experienced realtor)? What makes you different from, and better than, all the other folks in the business?

    When you have a really tight and unique positioning statement, we'll be able to come up with some on-strategy taglines. Until then it's just an undirected free-for-all. If this were a project for one of the companies you used to work for, you'd insist on a clear and competitive positioning statement, including a highly targeted audience definition. You owe yourself (and us) no less in this case.

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